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  1. #1
    Community Member Trifikas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Stone of Experience didn't work

    Not sure what I did wrong. Someone used a stone on me. I then logged onto a different character and picked up my 5 stones and went to use them on someone else's character that just hit level 8 and is on a different account. A warning popped up that told me I couldn't use it on him because I "already used one on this account on this server". Anyone else have this issue? I didn't see any others in the forums. I made sure he was in my orb, put the stone in my hot bar, then clicked on it. Do I have to mail it to him or trade it?
    Proud leader of the Steel City Knights

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Sounds like the person you was trying to level all ready had a character leveled with the stone on that server? - its a one character per game world (server) thing.

  3. #3
    Community Member Trifikas's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    That couldn't be it because I was the one who leveled that character to 8, then got on another computer to give them a stone. I'm starting to think I was stupid enough to not put it in a hotbar, but just clicked on it in my inventory, which would have told the game to try to use it on me. Since no one else is having this issue, I'm going to assume I'm screwed up and give it another try when I get home. Thanks for the response though.
    Proud leader of the Steel City Knights

  4. #4
    Community Member eruvanyo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I may have had this problem the other day. I was definitely using the stones from a hotbar and had the recipients targetted, but had no success.

    Most of the time nothing seemed to happen at all, but at one point I did get the message that I'd already used a stone on my account (I had) when I did in fact have the recipient correctly targetted. I assumed they had already used one.

    The recipients had all replied to my /trade advert and I didn't think to check that they were the correct level or anything else.

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