Maybe i should clarify my above statement..
I dont deny that using short term buffs and expensive pots should not really be considered in a base DC.
However it was the tone that was coming across in those comments, that you cannot use them at ALL in a comparison because not everyone has them.
Shades "max DC" has JUST as much basis as the "basic" DC on a thread talking about 60+DC
Sure not everyone can reach it, and certainly cannot sustain it, but that max is what separates the Elite gamer from the pack.
I could run down what DC i think a CASUAL gamer would have out of that gear and come up with a FAR smaller number than 50+.
Guess what? Its OK to have a gap between the haves and the have-nots, otherwise the have-nots have nothing to strive for. If they were just given it all for free, then you not only cheapen the value for those that worked hard for it, they cheapen their own value in the process.
Have-not's victories in the AC/Tohit debate have cost this game greatly, now having a ok AC is not something you have to work for
its handed to you,
same as the chance to hit,
and the diminishing returns means they will NEVER get to have what the strivers and elitists had in the past... NEVER!
Think about it, they just cost themselves a possibility of being great themselves by forcing every "tall-poppy" to be cut.
They will never know the sense of achievement felt by those that earned it in the past.
So be careful and don't let this happen to spell DCs and Saves as well.