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  1. #1
    Community Member Richtenfaust's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Thumbs down Build Your Guild

    The DDO Build Your Guild event did not work as intended the entire time, unless the intent was to lure "returning players" back, take their money, and then ignore them when they tell you that they are having issues.

    To me and five of my friends, a "Large Bounty" was a fairy tale, but the hundreds of dollars we spent between us for Turbine Points to get content and potions, not to mention the in-game currency we spent on buffs/potions/wands/etc, was WASTED. It was our intent to level our guild using Turbine's benevolence...but I guess that just didn't work out. Still no word.

    (Post Edited because I felt bad about flaming my beloved DDO)
    Last edited by Richtenfaust; 06-23-2012 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Turtle
    2014 DDO Players Council
    TrinityTurtle's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I do admit, I'm kinda confused why, if you and the other five had not logged in for over two months, clearly indicating you weren't enjoying the game, the build your guild event lured you back to level a guild you haven't logged into at all on any toon for over two months? Especially spending hundred of dollars to play a game you quit entirely a minimum of two months ago to level it? Why was the guild number of a game you weren't playing at all matter to you in the first place enough to feel ripped off?

    And if you do enjoy the game, buying the content and packs to have more content to play regardless of whether or not it built your guild level.
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

    Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    The Build Your Guild event basically just confused me, so I took the liberty of ignoring it. But to be honest, if it weren't for the need to gain guild levels for amenities, I probably wouldn't be interested in reknown at all. I just feel no pull to be in "the best" or "the coolest" guild. A good guild is good enough.

    I am very content in my ignorance.

    You are certainly more than welcome to hold an opposing view,
    but I think my view is the least amount of work for me.

    More power to those who enjoy and prosper in the event.

  4. #4
    Community Member rsking's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Unhappy dito

    Quote Originally Posted by Richtenfaust View Post
    The DDO Build Your Guild event did not work as intended the entire time, unless the intent was to lure "returning players" back, take their money, and then ignore them when they tell you that they are having issues.

    To me and five of my friends, a "Large Bounty" was a fairy tale, but the hundreds of dollars we spent between us for Turbine Points to get content and potions, not to mention the in-game currency we spent on buffs/potions/wands/etc, was WASTED. It was our intent to level our guild using Turbine's benevolence...but it was a bait-and-switch, and we don't appreciate being ripped off.
    ya i just got my tr toon to lvl 16 with out useing a stone of xp and nothing was added to my guild a big waste of time if
    tepidus flamma of amicitia mos usquequaque persevero ustulo in nostrum pectus pectoris pro totus infinitio

  5. #5
    Community Member Richtenfaust's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by TrinityTurtle View Post
    I do admit, I'm kinda confused why, if you and the other five had not logged in for over two months, clearly indicating you weren't enjoying the game, the build your guild event lured you back to level a guild you haven't logged into at all on any toon for over two months? Especially spending hundred of dollars to play a game you quit entirely a minimum of two months ago to level it? Why was the guild number of a game you weren't playing at all matter to you in the first place enough to feel ripped off?

    And if you do enjoy the game, buying the content and packs to have more content to play regardless of whether or not it built your guild level.
    We've been playing DDO off and on since Closed Beta...see my "Join Date"? Do you always play a game you enjoy *forever*, and then *never* go back to it again? Just curious...maybe you do. We, however, do not. I saw the Build Your Guild event when I was checking out, as I do from time to time, just to see what's going on with one of the best MMOs I've ever played (and I've played most of the big ones). I saw an opportunity for us to ramp up the level of our Friends Only guild and was disappointed when it didn't work. (Has anyone else noticed how hard it is to be not-mean to people when they say things that are less than intelligent? I think I'm in physical pain right now trying not to go all Flame On here)

  6. #6
    Community Member Richtenfaust's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    The Build Your Guild event basically just confused me, so I took the liberty of ignoring it. But to be honest, if it weren't for the need to gain guild levels for amenities, I probably wouldn't be interested in reknown at all. I just feel no pull to be in "the best" or "the coolest" guild. A good guild is good enough.

    I am very content in my ignorance.

    You are certainly more than welcome to hold an opposing view,
    but I think my view is the least amount of work for me.

    More power to those who enjoy and prosper in the event.
    +1 Buddy...well said.

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