Seems like its time for a 12 acrobat\8 barb tank with knockdown immunity...and people say acrobat is a flavour build
Seems like its time for a 12 acrobat\8 barb tank with knockdown immunity...and people say acrobat is a flavour build
They need to adjust the saves so that it's difficult (1-13 fails) to save against with top-notch gear. Strength should determine save against wing buffet, not sure how fort reduction works, so no suggestions on that yet.
gonna /not sign this one. Dragons are a key feature to the entire game. They should be tough and annoying.'re telling me that a dragon who is MUCH larger than you shouldn't be able to knock you over with it's overwhelming size? As long as the knockdown isn't spammed then leave it as it is. If it is spammed like the air ele aura effect then put it on a timer.
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MrBlonde - Omakase Omnomnom - Austrian Deathmachine - Consonar Crazy IvanAscent
Well it can't. The knockdown DCs is so low i NEVER get knocked down. Maybe you never read the op.
and yes, it is spammed like air elem aura. Only worse.
I think the Dragons should be able to crush everyone. Sadly thats not the case and they are very quite easy.
If they are gona be as easy as they are, then I'd much prefer they would at least be as fun to fight on my ranged characters as they are on my melee, and not have the huge desparity that forces me to play my sorcerer on select quests unless I want not have any fun on the boss fight.
Wait a minute! Aren't you (Shade) one of the people who constantly spams cries of "make all classes exactly the same." Well in this case you got it. Some caster types most likely won't have the same balance as some of the melees. Now they made it so it is autofail for everyone.
If melee isn't effective(or fun) then why not pull out a ranged weapon? Honestly, even a barb doesn't have to be a one trick pony. I guess I'm just a little confused, I didn't realize melee's couldn't range.
Originally Posted by Cubethulu
Despite you fanciful claims, doing ranged dps isnt as simple as equipping a weapon and firing. You need the feats, stats, and items to support it.
Bows for example do no extra damage based on STR by default and is a three feat investment to actually get damage out of them that is acceptable.(but not good) If you have melee who are ranging in effectively... why not get ranged characters who will do it loads better.
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....actually, it is that simple. You know what elemental/school specialized casters do when they run up against stuff that is resistant or immune? They use something else. No one needs to be a one trick pony.
As for a barb, I'm fairly certain if they are sporting 100+ STR with no bow str, they'd break out a thrower. So I'm not sure what you are going on about. Hey, while we are suggesting pointless scenarios, how about instead of a bow, they break a repeater they aren't feated for! Then the dps would really suck
Originally Posted by Cubethulu