Now that I have your attention, let's talk about game balance
No it doesn't involve singling out barbs and nerfing them, it does however involve an across the board nerf thou, let me explain.
The reason why DDO is unbalanced, IMHO, is that the GM doesn't role play.
No I don't mean we need more npcs in quests, but ask any GM and they'll tell you that to make an encounter enjoyable by the PCs you need to make the enemies challenging but not impossible to defeat.
The easiest way to do this is to throw mobs of the appropriate level, make sure they are not types the PCs can't kill and role play them correctly.
3 Main types of mobs exist in DnD when it comes to role playing them:
- The "believers": these are the guys who try to kill the protagonist out of some sense of right or wrong, justice, pure evil and so on. While their motivations may vary these guys are willing to die to try to kill or even just slow the PCs.
-The opportunists: enemies that are after the PCs for money, a quick meal or fame. Unlike the believers these guys WILL run away when out-numbered or defeat seems certain.
- Guardians: They are either mindless automatons (like skeletons, golems, zombies and so on) which have been created/animated with a simple rule like "kill anyone that crosses that door". They can also be enchanted/cursed beings forced to do a task and disregard anything else, including their own safety.
The problem with DDO is that all mobs/bosses are "role played" by the GM as guardians, they fight to the death with no regards to their continued existence.
This is probably because, well DDO is older then dirt! While the Graphic engine holds (more or less) the AI? Not so much... So how are the encounters made more challenging? Through "inflation" , mobs are the same from lvl 1 to 25, just with more HP, better saves, higher base damage/to-hit and a few more spells.
This leads to an "arm race" tougher mobs, even tougher toons to beat them. This is the cause for AC been worthless until the new system, insta-kills been so powerful (if roughly the same amount of kills can be accomplished by a well geared, well played melee no one would even mention insta-kills) and min maxing been necessary in making a "competitive" toon.
How to fix this with the relatively poor AI of a six year old game? Implement new routines into mobs to "simulate" the other 2 roles, a sentient creature hits a BB? They stop dead on their tracks and hits the caster or whomever they have aggro with ranged attacks until BB dissipates. They are getting hit by AoE over time spells? Step out and seek the closest target outside the AoE. Hell some mobs should just run away and force players to chase them in order to kill them when they are clearly screwed.
What does this allow? More challenging fights, the fact we can kite thousand of year old sentient supernatural creatures without them stopping to think: "Hum, maybe I'll stop running through that blender in the middle of the room and just fireball is ass from here" is what's wrong with DDO. We have archers jumping backwards when hit in melee, why shouldn't they avoid AoEs?
Smarter mobs, with better gear (Deathblock/heavy fort at random anyone? Recurring villains have PC lvls and usually gear of the same lvls, why shouldn't high lvl mobs?), better saves, more spells (why don't enemy wizards cast hage?) and more tactical feats (improved sunder, sap and so on) would make it possible to deflate the mobs hp and still keep this game challenging. Heck we could make them hit less hard if they hit "smarter", cleric sees a PM? Searing light, that barb is supreme cleaving the **** out of the melee mobs around him? Greater command/Irresistible dance/trip/sap him.
Mobs are incredibly dumb in DDO, truth be told if they acted just a little bit smarter then they do now most at level quests would be wipes.
This would mean some nerfs to PCs of course:
Cutting the amount of racial/class toughness enhancements so PCs don't have too many hit points compared to mobs.
Casters would have their damage limited, specially when it comes to no save spells adding a save or diminishing the damage would be needed (mobs have less hp, no need for triple dots hitting for 500+ per tick). I would also add an archer de-concentration de-buff, one that would be keyed to BAB (the higher then less you get de-buffed) to make it so wizards and sorcerers couldn't run around quests head first without fear of missing a concentration check. This would force "1st in a room casters" to either run with quicken all the time, or simply enter after a melee has grabbed archer aggro. Yes this would hit soloing, but only if you carry no concentration items/don't use quicken or keep archers alive for sp batteries.
Melees would loose some dps as well, not tons but enough that boss fights are not no win scenarios for the red/purple named. Be it by lower attack rate or lower base damage on weapons.
This is juts my 2 coppers, feel free to comment, ignore, laugh or point out how it wouldn't work