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Thread: Searing Light

  1. #1
    Community Member Will_Ferrer's Avatar
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    Default Searing Light

    Not sure what the intention of the change was but it looks like searing light has been changed and its now called Silver Fire. They changed the look of the spell and increased its Max Caster Level from 5 (10 against undead) to 20(no bonuses against undead) but the spell damage is the same as it always was. Something is wrong either the spell description or spell damage or both.

    Also, the Favored Soul: Followed of the Silver Flame capstone claims to and still does cast searing light(original version)
    Irro of Gland

  2. #2
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I haven't been able to copy any of my Clerics over to Lama... wish I could see.

    Does it have the same icon and is it still the same level acquired?
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  3. #3
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Nimbous of light a first level spells currently does more damage at level 20 than searing light (on the live server).
    Adding 5 more levels would simply compound the situation, glad to see the change.

    Hope they fix the spell damage soon.

  4. #4
    Community Member Inferno346's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Nimbous of light a first level spells currently does more damage at level 20 than searing light (on the live server).
    Adding 5 more levels would simply compound the situation, glad to see the change.

    Hope they fix the spell damage soon.
    Nimbus: 2.5 + 4 + 20 = 26.5 before metamagics, etc.
    Searing: 5*2.5 + 20 = 32.5 before metamagics, etc.

    More damage/spell point, sure... not more damage though.
    If we had a pure cleric using epic abishai set and a bard +1 CL song, and assuming all that stacks like it's supposed to, then you get 26.5 + 6 = 32.5. So even with all that, they'd only be equal.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Zerkul's Avatar
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    Well that's because a level one spell shouldn't scale that much with level, that's why it gains power confronted to searing light.
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