I wanted to see how my current end-game rogue will stack up against content under the new system. I used the formula's found in this thread: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=377451
I used a mob AC of 69 (eLoB, eCAD, eLailat, eBlood Plate, eRazor Arm - all ac's taken from wiki) and my current lowest/highest attack bonus (1st swing) ranges and potential AC debuffs (imp. sunder, destruction, imp. destruction). I ignored SA attack bonus as it functions unpredictably against any enemy with fort.
Quick summary for my toon.
Boss AC 69, My AB 39 = 60.87% chance to hit, round to 60%
Boss AC 52, My AB 59 = 91.83% chance to hit, round to 90%
Am I right in assuming that if my party and I debuff the boss 17 points of AC and I increase my attack bonus by 20, I only net a +30% chance to hit?
Another question, how exactly to I "roll" against this? Do you calculate my current AB per swing, come up with this % chance, round it, then I roll a d20 against that to determine if I hit? If I score a crit, do you recalculate, round it, and I roll another d20 against that to determine crit success?