More rage bugs yay..
Yea the Barbarian Rage icon gets stuck on the screen forever once you use it, but you don't retain the benefits. Also if youd dismiss rage pematurely, it does end, but the icon remains, and counter continues to count down as if its active.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Play Barbarian
2. Get the Fury ED, spend points in tunnel vision.
3. Rage
4. Roll face on keyboard
5. Actaully dont do 4, maybe dismiss rage.
Doesn't always happen, but should after a cpl trys, happens VERY frequently. Also may be caused by other effects in fury tree that work "while raged", that seem sto be the related trigger causing the bug.
Maybe related to dreadnaught destinies interacting with it, try it with those loaded and tunnel vision twisted in instead if you dont encounter it at first QA.
Screenshot of me one shotting Velah on epic elite - Notice the 0:00 Rage icon, that was there for a while)