Quote Originally Posted by ResEvil6370 View Post
- remember in every group you've been in that fails - you are the common denominator (especially if your the caster in ELoD =P)
Well, in that eLoD run we were 3 arcanes, I think, that's how sad it actually was. I know I've played terribly there as I've died like 4 times on the way and then was too frustrated to really do anything (I don't know eLoD much as all the runs I was in on Thelanis were basically run to the end, guild sorc has already cleared the way and my chars have enough hp to survive the traps, so I didn't need to bother with them). Actually, I think, I only lowered my playskills to match the other party members and the result was that awful run.

Maybe good players here don't run any of these epics, so if I join "easy" epic, I'll just find 5 other unequipped characters who don't know much about quest ahead. And the results are what I see.