Reading the forums the last couple days with all the "zomg dont nerf my insta-kills!" hatred, one thing I kept seeing get mentioned and agreed with almost unanimously is that melee are in fact WAY behind "blue bars" in mostly every facet of the game. And in most cases, not really a step behind. In a lot of cases, the arcane are at the top of the stairwell looking back on the melee who have yet to step up on to the first stair.

That being said...

How about some melee love? As much as blue bars hated being buff bots for all that time, melee are just as fed up with being, as many blue bars have stated recently, replaceable by hirelings. And I am not sure if you have received the feedback on the hirelings, but the survey says "FAIL!". That is a topic all its own.

How about some melee love? It is deteriorating to the point that everything melee can do, blue bars can do better.