looking at my pure bard, who is level 25, it appears that BaB with epic levels are based off of the dominant class. he has a BaB of 18, which as a 3/4 BaB class is correct, 25*0.75=18.75, truncated that is 18. seems a tad odd though as each epic level gives 10 hp per level and 1 to each skill per level regardless of class. is this working as intended? checked my main toon, who on lamannia is a 15pally/1 rogue/4 monk, and he has a BaB of 21, at 20 his BaB should be 18, so only 3 higher for the 5 epic levels. any pure level 25 fighters/barbs/rangers/pallys out there that care to report what their BaB is? asked a level 25 sorc what his BaB was and he said 13, so is everyone getting just 3 to BaB?