are flawless dragonshards going to be enough for Fred to swap an epic feat? or are we going to have to find or grind up Deific Dragonshards? at 1 million fragments to create a flawless, a deific would be rather time consuming to make.
are flawless dragonshards going to be enough for Fred to swap an epic feat? or are we going to have to find or grind up Deific Dragonshards? at 1 million fragments to create a flawless, a deific would be rather time consuming to make.
Last edited by Don1966; 06-12-2012 at 12:58 AM.
Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared
i am aware of this, i am also aware that the first tier of Agents of Arggonessen favor has flawless dragonshards available as a reward choice, i have 5 sitting in the bank at the moment from achieving that, would have a couple of more but guildies needed a feat swap. my question remains unanswered.
Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared