No matter how hard you work, they will always keep the rewards low so that newbies don't get their feelings hurt that your character is soooo much more powerful than theirs.
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
As a completionist myself I know very that it's truly unfair for some classes. On my wizard life it's not a problem I have an abundance of feats; on my sorc life it was significantly more difficult to juggle feats. Likewise for a fighter it would be a non-issue while on a barbarian not nearly as easy.
Besides, after 13+ lives: one feat that gives a bunch of goodies is well deserved. Over-powered or not, they earned it.
It's just that we don't all have the same number of feats which makes it unfair. Make it a free feat, please.
Maybe add a shrine to the airship amenities that is for completionists only and grants all the benefits of the feat, but with a one hour duration that lasts until death like every other shrine. That way, those that burn a feat get it permanently, but there would be an option for those that don't have the feat slots for it. Completionists are uber, they wouldn't die and lose it anyway.![]()
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
The main reason that the completionist feat should be free is simply because the classes were not all created equal in terms of feat requirements and access to feats. \
Assuming that all melee characters have power attack, toughness, improved crit and their three weapon style feats (twf or thf):
A pure khopesh wielding non-human rogue hasn't a single free feat slot, and if they do, it's probably spent on improved sunder.
A pure non-human barbarian hasn't a single free feat slot, and a pure non-human khopesh wielding barbarian usually has to drop toughness.
A non-human pure TWF warchanter bard can't take a single metamagic feat (no extend, no quicken, no maximize).
There are I'm sure many more examples like this (Paladin comes to mind).
The completionist feat simply does so much more for a wizard, fighter or monk than it does for any other class. For some of the examples mentioned it may not even be worth taking, as it prevents them from taking feats which are core to their class. For this reason, and this reason alone, it should be a free feat.
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
Uriziem Completionist done, past life 28/30
solo ADQ2 EE
solo FoT EE
Waiting better and harder end game(or neverwinter online)
Feat slots are highly dependant upon build. That means that rewards based upon them are inherently flawed.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
I'm rather shocked that you have this perspective.
You're equating the power that this feat provides to a character with the acquisition of every skill focus and two of every "epic great ability" feat.
First fundamental problem- Skills
You are handwaving the actual impact 99% of these skills have on any character. Would you ever spend a feat slot on a skill focus feat in anything besides UMD or intimidate across all characters? Even when skill focus feats are taken, from my experience, this happens temporarily on a newer build until they acquire the gear necessary to do without it. Chances are a completionist already has that gear anyway.
Second, "epic great ability" sounds very fancy and powerful. Bring that description back down to reality, its an extra stat modifer in each stat. Casters use some, melee use others, some hybrid builds sample a different set. No real build has gamebreaking results from every stat getting bumped up a modifier.
You're an experienced developer Eladrin, and you are doing a wonderful job with expanding this great game. But, as far as this topic is concerned, I expect a better objective evaluation from you.
Here is the deal. Since it is not a free feat, players that aquire the ability to spend a feat on it are very driven to play a Wizard, Fighter, or Monk. Rangers, barbarians, and Divine also can afford
If if forced.
But Paladins, Rogues, Sorcs, Bards.....forget about it.
My end build is feat rich as a Half-elven Pale Master/Monk Shadowdancer so is not an issue for me. But if after 18 lives (wanted max spell pen) my 360th leveled avatar could not be the class I wanted due to feat constraints......I'd be disappointed.
I'll bet 80%+ of all competionists end up as Wizards, Fighters, or Monks. Seams broken to me.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
+3 to all skills. It's 'nice', but not worth spending a feat on unless I need that +3 for a specific application. Trap monkeys appreciate this.
+2 to all stats. Unless you suffer from MAD, you're only really using 2 of these stats. Everyone can use the con, and one stat. A few misguided characters could use more stats, but now it's much less important because the dex/wis AC build is not as worthwhile anymore.
So it's a toughness feat with your primary stat +2. Not bad, but hardly game breaking. Consider how many hours someone has to put in to get it. Weigh it against the other feats on a limited feat build-- look at barbarians. Do you want to give up an epic feat (50 hp or another cleave) for +2 strength and 20hp? Maybe?
It's the best feat at level 1, but with the changes to AC and epic levels, it's not the best feat at level 24.
Not that it's going to happen, but it always struck me as cheap that it wasn't given out for free. That's a lot of work and true-heart buying.
Turbine look the positive side, Completionist feat op = more grinding, more potion xp, more money for u
Uriziem Completionist done, past life 28/30
solo ADQ2 EE
solo FoT EE
Waiting better and harder end game(or neverwinter online)
Sad to hear this. Completionist is also getting worse with the expansion, because of the changes to "to hit" and "AC". +2 to STR will not translate into +5% to hit anymore at all.
Completionist is no more and no less than +2 to all stats and +2 to skills. That is all, nothing else than that. Now, if theoretical maximum to a stat would be 20, +2 is very powerful, but if max stands around 50, it's a lot less, and if it stands a 70, even less.
What do players look for with their builds? Power. What is power? The ability to deal more dps (or kill more/faster/reliablier) and surivavility. So +2 to all stats seems amazing, but in terms of power for casters it's close to +1 DC and some 20 hp and to melees it's insignificant increase in to-hit, insignificant increase in damage and 20 hp. What is better, Greater Two Handed Fighting or completionist in terms of increasing damage? GTHF, no analysis even needed. You have to analyze what is the opportunity cost of this feat, and in most cases (most builds) it's absurd.
Also, Completionist is not free at all, it costs around 200$? 13 True Hearts of wood + 130 xp pots? Last time i checked that was lots of TPs. And most of all (let's better not put prices there) over a thousand hours.
If it's the consensus that it's too good to give in exchange of the aforementioned effort, sure, go on with that. But the consensus on the playerbase seems to be another. A bit surprised though nobody over there sees this as an opportunity to make this a long term rising star -> milking cow opportunity.