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It is not simply the stat drain to those "Other" stats, which seems to be enough of a deterrent that no other class other then Fighters and Barbs will touch the stuff, which should have been an glaring indication of what you are really getting if everyone else thinks it's not worth it, it is the overall effect on the primary stats as well.
Ponder this:
Case in Point: 10 Reflex Save, 10 Fort Save, 10 Will save, Which means for most melee builds, if the mobs cast it, you will not save against it.
Now to be honest, the only classes in the game that can build up the saves to take kind of penalty and still have a chance keep resisting are Pallies and Monks, and they won't touch the stuff, and rightfully so, you would have to be desperate to consider taking those losses to your saves, especially mid fight, and if there were casters, it's a downhill option, unless you are a TR geared to the nines and have all the items to invalidate your need to makes saves at all.
Another point: 10 to main stats, ergo, Str, that is anywhere from -5 to -60 on a hit, pretty invalidate the entire use of the power attack feat, which now gives you -10 to hit and the same damage if you did not use either the feat or the pot.
For a build that may be all out DPS that is vicious blow to their damage output.
And lets be honest, no barb or fighter farmed for months, even years to get all the gear they need to be max str to have 10 points robbed from them simply for a small iota of survivability.
So, think about it. SF pots are used to survive, but they ensure that the character will never make a save, so incoming damage from all spells increases, AC drops at least 5 points, so Incoming Damage from melee attacks may increase (will increase with the expansion), Overall damage output will decrease (Less Damage per hit and reduction in To-Hit means potentially more misses as well/will be an absolute increase in miss chances with the expansion) so the fights last longer and thus take even more resources to complete.
When this is a melees only option, they really have no option but demand healing from other classes if they wish to survive, and dependency can sometimes build bitterness, especially when someone playing a fighter or a barb sees that they need a healer, but the "healers" don't need them.