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I certainly agree that melee need to be buffed more than cleric/fvs. I don't know that I can agree with every point above but I do think some higher level healing potions without the ridiculous drawbacks of Silverflame potions would be a good idea. Easily accesible, lower minimum level, smaller amount healing amp items would go a long ways in opening new players eyes to the possibilities. Reduce the enhancement costs of healing amp too. Regen speeds and amounts are ridiculous in a game where most melees have 450+ hp at the very least. DR could easily get a buff because of the crazy, insane amounts of dmg mobs can do to us in one swipe.... now even with 100% fortification.
However, while I might drool at my bard getting better spells... evasion was never part of that class, and improved evasion? Yeah, thats not gonna happen. Paladins and rangers don't get higher level spells according to PnP but with the way this game works and so long as the spells were of limited selection from those levels I would not be truly against it.