This is not a post on how there should be ranged touch attack, however I do like RTA. I get that the ray spells and what not are supposed to be a twitch type play that allows characters to react to them if the run in circles.
What I don’t like is that a spell is able to by pass any other spell that obscures vision or ability to place the target. Examples include; blur, displacement, solid fog, acid fog, etc. The main thing to remember is that our characters are heroic and able to do a many things we as humans cannot, if a dev is able to actually conjure a beam of searing light (not from a 100mw+ laser pointer) I will stand corrected…well sit anyway, sit corrected.
The thought process of a spells against displaced characters I like to think goes like this in their artificial mind(s). “Wow, I really cannot tell where that guy is. I mean come on there is no way I am going to be able to hit that thing…Oh wait, I can just throw this beam of light that I conjure from nothingness and shoot it right at this shifty son of a *****, there is no way I will miss him even though I have the dexterity of a rock and about as good hand eye coordination”
Searing light is a really dangerous spell because there is little resistance to it. With the new AC changes I think two things should happen.
1.) Any non target spells that do not “seek” a target or are AOE should have the same miss chances as melee for blur, displacement, incorporeal, etc., unless the caster dispels the target or has true sight.
2.) Any non target spells that do not “seek” a target or are AOE should also have the same dodge chance as melee attacks with the new AC changes.
These seem only fair and should be for both PC and Monsters.
Finally I believe that any spell that does physical damage such as comet fall should have the same damage mitigation as a melee attack as is with DR and Damage mitigation from armor. Blade Barrier would fall into this as well.
Is this a nerf or a buff? Well in the grand scheme of it I don’t think it matters really, it’s the way it should be. However, I think it is a buff. We will finally have a small way of mitigating spells that in practice of the mechanics are overpowered when used by NPC. Most casters will not see much of a difference with mobs, except they might need to carry TS scrolls or the spell.
The problem is that if when you did away with ranged touch attack you made us compensate for our characters lacking abilities to dodge spells with our own reflexes. In theory it makes it fun, but tell a monk that to actually deflect an arrow his has to successfully hit the arrow in mid flight and now see for far that goes. This is a way to not derail your thought process but give a way of mitigation where some is needed. Everything in DDO should have a way to be mitigated but not 100% of the time.
I am open to hear any rebuttals if my logic is flawed and I am way off base. If this has been discussed or is already implemented and I missed it, tell me. I will try and write my standing on RTA in a different post.