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  1. #22
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    One of the other fun things is that each kill on Implosion will drop your DC, so the last kill(s) on Implosion are much less likely to land than the first.

    The first of the two biggest things that bother me about this change are that it will hit both Heroic N/H/E and Epic N as well as the Epic H/E that Hard to Kill would have hit - you can't use more than 1 or 2 Wails even in Kobold Assault with your level 25 Magister Pale Master/Necro Archmage no matter what his DC is. There is no difference between trash that could have been killed with a single non-meta'd Fireball vs. HP-bloated Elite Epic trash that would have taken 30 seconds each to beat down in melee.

    The second of the two bigest things that bother me about this change is that it puts a hard cap of 1 kill per 15 seconds on your character *no matter what their DC is* after the first few kills. If your DC is 39 (which is seriously undergeared even for a newly capped Pale Master), you can kill a couple of critters, but then you're DC is down to so far that you can only kill 1 per 15 seconds. If your DC is 51 (something that currently isn't even possible on live), you can kill 6 extra critters at the start of the quest, but then you're at exactly the same point as the severely undergeared DC 39 caster. No matter how high you get your DCs, you simply can't get any more kills per minute out of your death spells than the brand new player who has essentially no gear at all.

    One other thought on this change - the biggest fear for the future that I have is that the end of effective instakill AoEs will mean even bigger HP bloat because Turbine will no longer have to worry about "balancing" enemy HP for instakill vs. nuking spells vs. melee. They can feed free to increase "challenge" by simply blowing up enemy trash HP even higher because they seem to think that "more tedious" = "more challenge".

    The OP said,
    Not just against it, they are against the fact of any change to casters in general and to kill spells specifically!
    ...and that's simply not true. The large majority of people who think that this is a terrible change do agree that casters in general need to be toned down a bit and that AoE kill spells are currently a problem that Turbine needs to deal with. We just think that both Hard to Kill and Haunting are terrible ways to deal with that problem because there are many *good* ways to deal with this problem that don't involve simply beating down an entire category of spells just to deal with the one spell that makes melee players feel like cheerleaders instead of participants.

    At this point, I'd rather see Turbine simply remove Wail from the game rather than put either of their ill considered "solutions" into action since that's the spell that everyone seems to reserve most of their hate for.

    Edit: I just looked at the dev tracker and it appears that Eladrin has decided to go with the "remove Wail" option instead of Haunting. At this point, I'm so relieved that they're not going to go with the two terrible "solutions" that I'm just going to say Thank You and be done.
    Last edited by PopeJual; 06-11-2012 at 03:09 PM.

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