So this barbarian you keep bringing up as an example, in order, is:
1. Canceling their rage, when they arent madstoned - which means not using madstone.
2. Swapping over a gear item.
3. Clicking a displace clicky.
4. Swapping the gear item back to what they normally have slotted.
5. Hitting their barbarian rage.
6. Hitting their frenzies.
7. Using the ramaining 20-25 seconds of displacement they have left to...
8. Realize the mobs are already dead because people that didnt have to do the gear swap dance killed them all.
Fantastic - this nerf not only makes us manage our inventories like we never had to before, but it also invalidates other gear (in this case, madstone boots) if we want to benefit from displace.
Im not for the TS suggestion. I feel this shouldnt be nerfed in the first place.