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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    These changes don't achieve class balance. Casters can do X, Y and Z. All three of them currently are pretty well ahead of melees in terms of power achieved versus effort required (a well-geared, insane melee vet outstrips newbie casters, etc.)

    Let's call "X" DPS, "Y" CC and "Z" instakills / special abilities.

    X and Y are still valid; HTK just makes it so you can't make a fun "Z" caster anymore.
    You forgot about W, which is self healing. I wouldn't have any issues if a caster could be really good at W, X, Y, or Z, and maybe mediocre at one of two of the others, but why should casters be really good at W, X, Y, and Z, when melees are only good for X?

    This is the first incarnation of DnD I've played where a cleric can cause more death and destruction then a paladin. Class balance is totally jacked up. I'd rather see the classes all have their distinct styles then expanding the roles of melees, because whats the point of classes at all if every class can do W, X, Y, and Z?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    These changes don't achieve class balance. Casters can do X, Y and Z. All three of them currently are pretty well ahead of melees in terms of power achieved versus effort required (a well-geared, insane melee vet outstrips newbie casters, etc.)

    Yeah, but melee have more Weapons to draw on, Higher hit points, Insane amounts of sustained damage, Nearly no skill needed to play, and at least Eleven other capabilities that casters don't have. Melee can do W, H, I, N, and E really well. There are more letters there and they do it constantly. This far outshines X, Y, and Z.

  3. #23
    Community Member silence383's Avatar
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    Agreed. Stop crying about casters..that is magic. Enough dont want us in your quest do not invite one..easy.

    Why do people complain about any other have a choice who you run with..enough already.
    Last edited by silence383; 06-12-2012 at 02:40 AM.

  4. #24
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinyelvis View Post
    Yeah, but melee have more Weapons to draw on, Higher hit points, Insane amounts of sustained damage, Nearly no skill needed to play, and at least Eleven other capabilities that casters don't have. Melee can do W, H, I, N, and E really well. There are more letters there and they do it constantly. This far outshines X, Y, and Z.
    Nice. 'You must spread...'

    I owe you one

  5. #25
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Wow really? More of these?

    If you think casters are getting a SINGLE nerf this update, your VERY confused.

    My sorcerer is insanely powerful and is not getting any nerfs, I've played him countless hours in the beta and not a single moment did I feel I was nerfed in any way. Neither are wizards, neither are fvs nor clr.

    You simply are not understanding the game mecanic changes if you believe a single one qualifies as nerf.

    Classes getting nerfed in the update, ordered by rank or how harshly:
    1. Barbarian (Cleave, Uncanny Dodge, Madstone prevents rage)
    2. Rogue (Uncanny Dodge)
    3. Fighter (None directly really, but proxy nerf thru item updates)
    4. Paladin (Siberys only, None directly really, but proxy nerf thru item updates)
    5. Rangers (If only by the proxy fact that they can no longer benefit from displacement from casters)

    No other class is really getting any serious nerfs. Casters and Divines are getting SERIOUS buffs is you can grasp the game mechanics enough to understand it.

  6. #26
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    forgot monks Shade - everyone seems to be forgetting monks,

  7. #27
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aalric View Post
    forgot monks Shade - everyone seems to be forgetting monks,
    Didn't forget them. Exactly how are monks nerfed?

    They seem to be getting a pretty masive buff to their stances, benefit greatly from armor class and dodge updates and generally no longer suffer any to hit issues since verything in the expansion is very low AC. They are also the ONLY class to have a very much 100% class-centric ED that other classes cant benefit from.

    Seems like monk love to me.
    Last edited by Shade; 06-12-2012 at 07:50 AM.

  8. #28
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    I mainly play Melee and I always enjoyed grouping with Necro's who wailed stuff as we went thru the quest. I had no issues with them getting most of the kills. The better they are at their job the faster we get the quest done and get to our loot and the next quest. Its all about working as a team and a stronger teammate makes the team stronger.

    I have a 2xTR'd Wiz and play him sparingly because I love my Melee's but with this update I regret rolling him up. I also dont see a reason to ever TR a Wizard. I see them losing money because TRing a wizard a few times is not worth it. How many hearts did they sell to people so they could make their Wizard more effective.

    I will probably shelve my wizard and roll up a Sorc since they dont seem to be effected.

    I hope they rethink their changes to Wail and hold off.
    Fist and Faith
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  9. #29
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post

    If you think casters are getting a SINGLE nerf this update, your VERY confused.

    My sorcerer is insanely powerful and is not getting any nerfs, I've played him countless hours in the beta and not a single moment did I feel I was nerfed in any way. Neither are wizards, neither are fvs nor clr.

    You simply are not understanding the game mecanic changes if you believe a single one qualifies as nerf.
    I guess it depends on what you mean by nerf. Do I still like playing my sorc? - hell yes. Is she the same efficacy as
    on live (at same character level with same equipment) - no, she's not. Do I care? - no, I actually *really* like the
    new mechanics now I am used to them. Some people might feel this is a nerf though, personally, I don't.

    Factually, my spells do less damage (with maximise+empower and either Eardweller or Superior [X] VIII clicky) than
    they do on live.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musashiclaw View Post
    I mainly play Melee and I always enjoyed grouping with Necro's who wailed stuff as we went thru the quest. I had no issues with them getting most of the kills. The better they are at their job the faster we get the quest done and get to our loot and the next quest. Its all about working as a team and a stronger teammate makes the team stronger.

    I have a 2xTR'd Wiz and play him sparingly because I love my Melee's but with this update I regret rolling him up. I also dont see a reason to ever TR a Wizard. I see them losing money because TRing a wizard a few times is not worth it. How many hearts did they sell to people so they could make their Wizard more effective.

    I will probably shelve my wizard and roll up a Sorc since they dont seem to be effected.

    I hope they rethink their changes to Wail and hold off.
    then you need to evaluate what you are doing on beta. both my arcanes are significantly more potent on beta than they are on live.

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