I want to TR my old cleric into a FVS, but Im not sure what kind of build... should be pure human fvs for healing capstone and extra feat, but Im not sure what direction to go for.
tomes eaten: +4 str (from 20th ToD turn-in) +3 wis +2 all others
gear: con-op goggles, triple air bracers, cha and str ToD rings, blue scale robe, an assortment greataxes
with the +4 str tome and instakill ward in expansion, Id like to go melee focused, preferably THF since TWF doesnt work too well on a pure FVS.
18 str +5 lvl ups
16 con
10 wis
14 cha
greataxe proficiency (might swap to greatsword at 18 for terror, hoping for esos one day)
Power attack? maybe no good after expansion
empower? maybe not good after expansion, but still nice with capstone and efficient empower enh.
empower healing
is this a really bad idea? any crucial feats I overlooked? should I go evoker anyway?