Is it worth being a conjurer as a sorcerer, or does it make more sense to just use hirelings?
Is it worth being a conjurer as a sorcerer, or does it make more sense to just use hirelings?
Being a conjurer in ddo means you'll be spamming web and acid rain, not summoning monsters. In general, summoned monsters are weak and not worth it.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
Depends on your perspective. They draw aggro away from you allowing you to nuke groups of mobs if your cc isn't up to the task, and they don't contribute a -10%. At lower levels they are very handy - before you get aoe like wail to deal with massed groups.
Conjuration school is very strong as either a water savant or earth savant, definitely worth considering.
What is a water savant or earth savant? Nevermind, found it.
Some notes about summoned monsters in general...
You know how dense the npc rent-a-healers are? The summoned monsters are just as bad and those from SM spells do not come with any commands (so they're actually even worse).
They know NOTHING about strategy - I've seen summoned hell hounds try to breath fire on fire elementals.
In pugs - it is up to YOU to know where your monsters are welcomed. Many tanks (and party leaders) get really frustrated about pets disrupting agro.
You may be able to deal with these issues if you intend on primarily soloing... but I personally would not recommend it.
I'm really making this up as I go along...