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  1. #1
    Community Member Moonsickle's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Default Xbox360 controller for Windows...

    since the update to the physics engine has anyone tested controllers?

    I'm not sure how many people use controllers but I mostly play melee characters so it works great for me, well...

    it did as my Xbox360 controller used to work almost flawlessly previous to the upgrade:

    now my characters tend to wander [move forward on their own after releasing the stick] which around traps makes them a little more interesting as this happens randomly.

    the buttons don't seem to respond like they did before... as in not working at times needing hit them repeatedly... I could attribute this to lag but happens way too often now... although I'm not sure why that would be affected by the physics engine?

    Were there other changes made that could have affected the Xbox360 controller? maybe a tweak of it's profile is needed.

    I know this as a trivial item in the bigger scope of things... but it may be affecting other's gameplay as well.

  2. #2


    I don't play with controllers, but I will say that keyboard responses have been delayed to lost at times.

    I've watched my monk during attacking, such as with auto attack on, I press and hold an elemental attack (fire, good, water, earth, etc.) and I can wait upwards to 2 seconds for it to register at times. And this is just pressing and holding the button until the attack is done.

    While I can't fix the stick, the standard buttons may be possibly worked around with a program called Joy2Key. And set those buttons to auto attack for as long as the button is pressed. So set it for something like 4 times a second and you may find things responding better for button presses.

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