Just FYI: On my legacy PC with WinXP:

I had installed more RAM some time ago and suddenly realized I never adjusted the size of my Virtual Memory page file (pagefile.sys)

I set the minimum to 4.5 GB my RAM * 1.5 (3GB as Windows sees it, 4GB for real) and I set the max at 6GB (My arbitrary worst case guess based on my available drive space.)

I noticed the "initial load" of DDO to be a little choppier (not surprising) and a little more stutter just as I came in and the servers all finished loading everything they needed to load, but I noticed faster zoning in game and I bet it'll be smoother than it was.

Bottom Line: If your zoning and initial game experience is choppy, one thing to consider is your pagefile big enough?

Most astute windows watchers suggest setting the minimum size to what you consider your general maximum memory needs by watching a resource manager (or task manager, etc.) or making a best quess, and setting your max to something "worst case" based on how big your drive is.

I only have one physical drive on this system so I can't test improvements of putting the pagefile on another drive.