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  1. #1
    Community Member Veriden's Avatar
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    Default When do we get earth and air forms?

    I've found the elemental fire and water forms rather underwhelming, the primary reason to be in them is the extra 100% fort to negate sneak attack and crits which is sorely needed since that less than desirable move to allow npcs to bypass fort passively (which in all cases rogues should get 1% fort bypass per rogue level as well, its only fair to give what you get.)

    Allowing us to take all of the elemental forms as an option would make far more sense. After all the -5 to caster levels out of element is a pain in the rear and does not promote using class abilities. Fires of purity is nice when fighting things that aren't immune or have high fire resist. Each elemental form should have that type of weapon buff as a minimum.

    Air elemental form: Grants +3,510 to trip and when you trip you get to throw your enemies around endlessly of course. (joking...probably best to have active feather fall + competence to movement speed 15-20%) +10 lightning resist -10 acid resist, caster bonus for air and sonic spells

    Earth elemental form: +10 acid resist, -10 lightning resist, caster bonus for acid and non-type damage spells (dehydration and such) -10% move speed +5% hp or perhaps a sturdy bonus to prr or dr.
    Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veriden View Post
    I've found the elemental fire and water forms rather underwhelming, the primary reason to be in them is the extra 100% fort to negate sneak attack and crits which is sorely needed since that less than desirable move to allow npcs to bypass fort passively (which in all cases rogues should get 1% fort bypass per rogue level as well, its only fair to give what you get.)

    Allowing us to take all of the elemental forms as an option would make far more sense. After all the -5 to caster levels out of element is a pain in the rear and does not promote using class abilities. Fires of purity is nice when fighting things that aren't immune or have high fire resist. Each elemental form should have that type of weapon buff as a minimum.
    While it would be cool and useful to have access to the other elemental forms (especially that trip), you were wrong on one point.

    The primary reason to be in them isn't the fort which is quite nice (i didn't even notice that). The bonus to caster damage is. While the penalty to caster level is sad (and shouldn't be 5 levels, last beta said like 2), increasing caster level, and access to spells is. A number of spells are based off of your form and some of them are quite good. Further, there is no reason that i can think of offhand to NOT be in an elemental form, unless you are constantly spamming a spell that is neither ice nor fire, or unless you are constantly switching between the two. It seems as if even the season change would be useful. As far as i know, there is no visual notice that shows your season has changed to the party, other then you changing your spells. It only takes like 2-3 seconds to change into the other element, which would be an obvious visual clue which spells you would be concentrating on atm.

  3. #3
    Community Member Veriden's Avatar
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    I for one greatly dislike the season prc, its over complicated in my book. Needlessly so. How ever in most areas of the world there are four seasons. Winter = cold, summer = fire, autumn = earth spring = still, four elemental forms have their places.

    I for one don't build for pure casters, and like the elemental graphics far more than wolf or bear, just think more options are better than hot or cold.
    Last edited by Veriden; 06-10-2012 at 01:36 PM.
    Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.

  4. #4
    Community Member ArcherBarry's Avatar
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    Its over complicated, so lets add more seasons/forms? Sounds a bit wrong.

  5. #5
    Developer Vesuvium's Avatar
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    Season's Herald seasons: The original design, and one that we actually went with for quite some time internally, was to have four seasons. It... just... didn't play well, at all. The Druid didn't have enough of a spell selection to support four different ones, it was too confusing to keep track of, and it was just a kinda annoying play experience all around.

    Cutting it down to two was a huge improvement, as sad as I was to see the theme of the four seasons get truncated like that.

    As for elemental forms: Sure, air and earth are things we'd love to do, someday. I couldn't say when that would be though; there are always a million more things we'd love to do than there are things we have time to do, and adding more elemental forms to Druids probably aren't at the top of that list. You never know though.

  6. #6
    Community Member Veriden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArcherBarry View Post
    Its over complicated, so lets add more seasons/forms? Sounds a bit wrong.
    you misunderstand the intent of that post. Just a point for logical(a thing I'll eventually learn to stop using on the forums, logic.) reason to have four elemental forms, granted on lam I don't take either of the prestige classes. Neither compliment my play style so I've used the extra ap on other things.

    Thanks for the clarification Ves. It saddens me that it didn't start out with all for forms as the role play application to the character I'm taking druid first on live server. They're closely attuned to the element of air and have been since his days on table top.
    Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.

  7. #7
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvium View Post

    As for elemental forms: Sure, air and earth are things we'd love to do, someday. I couldn't say when that would be though; there are always a million more things we'd love to do than there are things we have time to do, and adding more elemental forms to Druids probably aren't at the top of that list. You never know though.
    Later, can we have an epic desteniy that lets us shape-shift into a dragon? no? rats okay.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
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  8. #8
    Community Member BananaHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvium View Post
    Season's Herald seasons: The original design, and one that we actually went with for quite some time internally, was to have four seasons. It... just... didn't play well, at all. The Druid didn't have enough of a spell selection to support four different ones, it was too confusing to keep track of, and it was just a kinda annoying play experience all around.

    Cutting it down to two was a huge improvement, as sad as I was to see the theme of the four seasons get truncated like that.

    As for elemental forms: Sure, air and earth are things we'd love to do, someday. I couldn't say when that would be though; there are always a million more things we'd love to do than there are things we have time to do, and adding more elemental forms to Druids probably aren't at the top of that list. You never know though.
    I was kind of surprised that you didn't have spring and autumn just give half the bonuses of summer and winter. Maybe have spring give the full positive energy bonus as life is renewing and autumn the full negative energy bonus as nature starts to decay. Then when summer hits you have full on light/fire and the reverse for winter.

    Although I'm sure alot of people wouldn't want a lesser bonus even if it meant another small bonus to other spells. You are going to have to prep for both summer and winter though, so you'd have them on hand at least.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin
    I've never seen someone at a tabletop game say "I jump up on the wall until I get stuck in a spot where I can hit the giant but he can't hit me back for no apparent reason."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veriden View Post
    Air elemental form: Grants +3,510 to trip and when you trip you get to throw your enemies around endlessly of course. (joking...probably best to have active feather fall + competence to movement speed 15-20%) +10 lightning resist -10 acid resist, caster bonus for air and sonic spells

    Earth elemental form: +10 acid resist, -10 lightning resist, caster bonus for acid and non-type damage spells (dehydration and such) -10% move speed +5% hp or perhaps a sturdy bonus to prr or dr.
    This may not have been said yet, but... For Earth Elemental They can cast earth grab as a spell, and Air can cast lightning strike(like on a GS)
    Anyone else like my ideas? Oh and the Fire ele should get Heat death and the Water should get icy prison

    CJ out!
    G-land Reiain : 20monk(not done), life 2
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvium View Post
    It... just... didn't play well, at all.
    It still doesn't with 2. Negative caster level, come on. What are you guys thinking? Are you going to screw over pale masters in form on the next update? The wildshape is a nice way to add SLA, it's a really ****** way to limit people's options or force them to think about and possibly switch forms every spell.

  11. #11
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vesuvium View Post
    as for elemental forms: SOON™
    ftfy. Though I like the more descriptive version
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvium View Post
    Season's Herald seasons: The original design, and one that we actually went with for quite some time internally, was to have four seasons. It... just... didn't play well, at all. The Druid didn't have enough of a spell selection to support four different ones, it was too confusing to keep track of, and it was just a kinda annoying play experience all around.

    Cutting it down to two was a huge improvement, as sad as I was to see the theme of the four seasons get truncated like that.

    As for elemental forms: Sure, air and earth are things we'd love to do, someday. I couldn't say when that would be though; there are always a million more things we'd love to do than there are things we have time to do, and adding more elemental forms to Druids probably aren't at the top of that list. You never know though.
    So never then... I think never is going to have to work with us.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

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