There's been a lot of talk about how both pm & tanks will be hit by U14. There's another class that is also in trouble, perhaps even more than the other 2 - that's monks who, after U14 will be DDO's new glass cannons.
Armor wearers are getting more AC on their armors. This will more than make up for their loss of dodge items. Even when they get hit, they have PRR to soak up some of the dmg & deaden the pain. & in the closed Beta, Torc said quite clearly that without these changes, melee wouldn't be viable - they would simply be receiving too much dmg & would die.
But where does that leave monks?
Monks MUST wear cloth. Cloth does not get an armor boost. As a matter of fact, a monk on beta tends to have less ac then on live because his dodge items don't count towards his ac & his ac has not been boosted like other armored melee.
When a monk gets hit, he only has PRR in mountain stance, which is much less than provided by armor.
Now a monk does have unlimited dodge. This sounds good in theory but it is really useless in practice (at least the way it is currently implemented). An armored melee gets most of his ac from 1 - 2 single items (his armor & shield, if he uses one) and can use all of his other items for dps. A monk would have to use almost every slot for dodge increasing items & even then, would probably not have enough dodge to make that big a difference. And we still have the problem about what happens when a monk gets hit - he doesn't have the hp of a fighter or barb or their PRR - how is he meant to survive?
In short, we need something to give monks either more AC, substantially more dodge (maybe both their wisdom & dex bonuses - still not sure if it would be enough) and more PRR.
Turbine has put a lot of effort into monks. They have changed the way their dmg works, made an interesting epic destiny & are even looking at handwrap bugs. But if they don’t fix this, there will simply be no point in playing monks - they will have gone from being one of the most resilient melee's to being glass cannons who have less hp & less ability to survive. &, tbh, although they will defiantly be glass, I am not even sure if they will be cannons because the "Hard to kill" nerf will probably effect quivering palm & touch of death.