1 of the beauties of the monk is (or I should say
was) A monk's AC will be behind an armored melee & not having any decent PRR will really bite. They also don't have the hp of other melee, which will make the problem bigger. & the biggest thing is that a Melee really no longer needs a shield to get a high AC/ PRR so they can also get decent dps (taking away another monk advantage)
No, they are definately glass cannons now. Can they survive? Of course they can, just as they survive in epics till now. But they are now sub-optimal. Why take a monk when you could take a figher with more AC, more PRR, the same dps & more hp to boot?
The sadest thing is, imo, that we have had some interesting suggestions that could have helped & we seem to have zero interest from the developers about this. It may still change but I'm not holding my breath. Afterall, Rangers were nerfed to hell & back in U5 & they still won't aknowledge it
Welcome to monks, the new rangers,