actually, +8 item, +1 exceptional (these didn't get changed to insight, +2 exceptional did get changed to insight) +3 insight, +6 from destiny, +4 from new bard song.
18 base
6 level ups
3 enhancement
8 item
1 exceptional
3 insight
6 destiny
4 ocean stance
2 capstone
2 yugo pot
4 bard song
1 epic feat
4 tome
2 ship buff
2 alchemical handwraps
total of 66
am i missing anything here?
Last edited by Don1966; 06-10-2012 at 07:28 AM.
Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared
missing that exceptional +1 was changed to competence +1
missing profane (+1 from litany of the dead)
missing completionist (+2 if you could fit it)
missing store pot (+2)
missing deneith pots (+1 more alchemical they go up to +3 i believe)
missing (+3 more profane from abashai cookie destroyer buff)
so 61 sustainable (+25 modifier) and 75 temp Wisdom (+32 modifier)
I would hate to see Shade's MAX STR after this update
EDIT: oh, and virtual +1, i have given out too much rep in last 24 hours![]()
Last edited by Stillwaters; 06-10-2012 at 08:17 AM.
-Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..
Thanks for doing the math don. That's pretty much what I was thinking when I said 60ish. I wasn't really counting the bard song as that seems a bit situational and I can't see monks starting at 18 (more likely 16, possibly 17), but all the other stuff is theoretically reasonable depending on where one might get +3 insight and potential slotting issues.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
it may have been suggested at some place, but the problem (next to PRR) seems to be that Fighters and Paladins gain AC with each level (+1 per level iirc) while monks dont. Seeing that monks are the masters of evading blows they should gain +1% dodge per level (or maybe per 2 levels). Imo that would make some logical sense (yeah logic in a fantasy setting :P )
Playing DDO since April 2006
You are thinking of "combat training" which got removed from closed beta1 to closed beta2.. and was pretty much the ONLY time devs listened to combat change suggestions in the entirety of time since beta opened. Though reading the reasoning it could have been they couldnt code it correctly, not that they listened to us...
something along the lines of "wasnt working as we intended it to."
-Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..
ok...admittedly im a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information about changes and whats been added and removed again, so I appologize. But I still kinda like the idea of adding some amount of dodge per monk level
I see MrWindUpBird has suggested this as well in this thread. I agree with his assessment.
Last edited by Ap0k; 06-10-2012 at 08:32 AM.
Playing DDO since April 2006
-Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..
I saw a named robe with +9 AC on it..its name evades me now but i think its on the named items thread.
frozen tunic has 8 ac & now there are robes with 9 ac.
I just dont think that "1" ac is going to make the difference when it comes to monks.
BTW, there have been some excellent suggestions in the other thread about how to help monks not be glass cannons - i just wish that the developers would pay some attention to it,![]()
My opinion:
First - a lot of robes are now granting armor class as well. Saw some randomly created robes that granted +7 armor in addition to pre/suffix. This probably needs to be higher, but at least it lets you put a diffrent bracers on, such as challange air bracers (for dodge).
Second: One easy fix to monks (although i dont know how effective it would be, just thought of it), is to add +1prr and +1 dodge/2 levels. That would give a monk at 20 a total of +20 ac (i think they still get this), +20 prr (more then a leather armor druid with heavy shield), and 10% dodge (more then rogue with improved uncanny dodge, but without the 60% bonus.) This would greatly enhance a monks survivability letting them dodge 1/5 of all incoming damage, resist about 10-15% of what gets through no matter what the stance (and get them fairly high in earth stance) and still grant them easily 40 ac with gear.
Post Script: Please remember that you need MUCH less ac then you used to need. The armor pop-up on the char screen said that with an armor class of 45, my druid had a 30% chance to be missed by level 22 content.
I agree. There has to be a way to not meet the objectives while still keeping splash build options on the table. I wouldn't be as concerned if it wasn't for the fact all my armors are outfits (bunch of dt outfits that I spent a loooong time grinding) that are now useless for me. (unless of course they come up with a way to magically change my dt outfits to other armor levels - that would work for me also)
1. Combat Training has been removed in it's entirety I see - So rather than giving Clerics the CT they should have had the Devs chose to scrap the whole idea?
2. Implosion has basically gone from a 1 minute cooldown to a 75 second cooldown {Was one minute really not long enough?} - Also Implosion works on ticks - We still haven't heard from a dev whether the Haunting will affect subsequent ticks of the same spell or not.
Destuction and Slay Living have both been nerfed with longer cooldowns.
3. Blade Barrier is now an Arti only spell eh? News to me!
4. Heal and Mass Heal take a hit - And you think this is good?
5. AC is being changed to make it viable - i.e. those without AC are going to take more damage {this is a fact} - If Clerics are unable to get a viable AC/PR they will not be able to stand in the middle of the ruck with Aura and Burst and melee anymore.
This is a huge nerf!
In another thread someone accused me of being a one trick pony - That person clearly does not know me as nothing could be further from the truth.
I build my characters to be capable at all aspects of their class {a throwback to PnP I know} and therefore am most certainly not uber at any one part of that class.
I am not the Uber DC caster - I am not charging into Melee and doing 500pt Crits - I have never seen a 2000pt Heal {or whatever the current max is} or anything close to that.
In my view Clerics need a boost NOT this massive nerf to every part of their class!
It's the Player who takes his/her FS into E-CoF Solo and laughs at it NOT the class!
Glass cannon? The new appropriate name is : monk the new glass without cannon
Uriziem Completionist done, past life 28/30
solo ADQ2 EE
solo FoT EE
Waiting better and harder end game(or neverwinter online)
Thanx for the explanation and the link... It was helpful and informative... But...
I'm still not really getting the problem. See, I almost exclusively solo. Generally speaking, I only group with friends who request my help or if I need a raid run and there are some friends going anyway... My primary alt is a capped Drow Dark Monk with next to no ac. When I copied her to Lamannia, that low ac translated in the new system to nearly no ac. She had, iirc, about a 34% miss chance or something similar. Still, I grabbed a hire and ran the Kings Forest, a couple of the lvl 19 quests and farmed one of the lvl 21 quests 5 or 6 times... I only died once in all of that, and it was only because I ran into three Astral Panthers in the Forest that they proved too much, though I didn't have too much of a problem with one or two. On Live, with this same Monk, I've been running the Devil Battlefield (mostly solo) since lvl 15. Now, she's not good enough to solo all of the rares, but she has taken a few of them alone.
As I say this, bear in mind that I'm speaking from a very limited point of view since I really do not understand this whole system as well as many of you do, nor have I ever found it interesting enough to wade through all the numbers. I'm not pointing any fingers or making any statements of judgement or "fact" but rather explaining how things look for me, from my limited perspective of limited understanding (in other words, I have an abundance of ignorance).
Before now, if we wanted a monk to have any hope of achieving any meaningful ac, we had no choice but to roll a Wis based Ocean stance monk. I've known only one monk that has done such a thing (Halfling, Wis and Dex based, Massive equipment farmed, could hit ac right around 90 self buffed and could solo farm for Icy which I've never been able to do). This fact did not stop us from rolling Warforged, Drow, Human, Half Elf, Half Orc etc. with next to no Wisdom, and feeding mostly Dex, Str or Con. Now, we're told about this PRR thing and told that we have to be in Mountain Stance if we want the PRR thing going for us.
The one and only potential problem I see is that we can't seem to have the PRR (which we never had before, though I do realize the changes are important to this) and the AC bonus from Wis at the same time. Aside from that... My monk is doing just fine and it APPEARS that the complaint is simply all about us not getting what we never had before...
So, please, feel free to point out my error... I'd really like to understand this. Just keep in mind that simple and direct are best for me, if possible![]()
I disagree with this... To my mind, the stances, paths etc are all about sacrifice. We sacrifice attack for defense, we sacrifice defense for damage etc. etc. If we can choose 'this' stance or 'that' stance and have it all, what would be the point in playing a monk? The cool animation?
Another Monk I've played around with on Lama is my zero Wis Str/Con, Mountain Stance Warforged Monk/Fighter and I just rolled a Horc, Str build (again, next to no Wis) and I'm hoping the devs will pop in with some xp at some point so I can see how they both do in end game content, but playing around in the normal at lvl quests (the Horc, as I said, is new and the Warforged is lvl 11 or 12 atm) they've been doing great... Of course, I could roll a zero cha sorc or a zero str barb and do great in the harbor, so... lol
I actually agree with you. With any given stance you should give up something. I suppose it comes down to how you look at it. If I'm in fire stance and switch to air stance, I have given up my faster ki generation in favor of more offense. If I swap to water, I then give up my attack speed for more ac and better tactics.
The problem I have is that earth is just far and away the best stance as it adds both meaningful offense and defense to a build. I find it a very powerful stance on lama to the exclusion of the other stances. The option is there to buff the other stances so they all offer differing forms of offense/defense or provide a penalty to earth stance possibly in the form of reduced dodge while it's active. This would be what you'd have to give up for some form of DR on a cloth wearing toon.
I guess my argument to counter your first point is that currently earth stance is a stance without sacrifice so others need a buff or it needs a nerf in order for them all to be more balanced. Ki gen from fire isn't overly necessary anymore. The crit multiplier matches the double strike from air and earth even gives an ac bonus to bring it close to what water adds defensively.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
Ok... I get what you're saying, now. Thanx for the clarification. On that note, I must agree. The biggest reason I keep building dex monks is that all other stances feel like they're in slow motion to me, so it's not necessarily about the strength of the build, but about my perception... It's kind of like the sheer agony of logging from my lvl 20 Monk after running around the city for a while doing some trading and jumping on the lvl 3 Fighter I rolled just to help a friend lvl up a bit... Moving from a capped Monk with 30% Striding to the lvl 3 with no striding is just horrible lol.
Given that the only obvious downside of the Mountain stance Monk is how slow it is, it would be nice if we could keep the sacrifice aspect while giving a minor boost to the others, even if they don't exactly make it to equality. Just enough to keep the other stances interesting enough for others to play.
I say 'others' because I'll just keep rolling them the way I like and, since I solo so much, not really caring if they're gimps lol