The Burn the Dead encounter: I'm unable to speak with the Cleric of Amaunator. Instead of giving me a dialogue bubble when hovering over the cleric, I get a gear icon instead (like I'm interacting with a chest).
The Burn the Dead encounter: I'm unable to speak with the Cleric of Amaunator. Instead of giving me a dialogue bubble when hovering over the cleric, I get a gear icon instead (like I'm interacting with a chest).
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Thank you for the information! Unfortunately, it appears this bug has returned: the Cleric of Amaunator is currently taking a vow of silence.
I have forwarded the information so we can get this bug fixed.
Last edited by SqueakofDoom; 12-18-2012 at 03:57 PM.
Not true.
There was at least a brief window where it was of my toons has credit for completing the encounter.
Mind you, there are still several Kings Forest scripted encounters that are bugged in ways that make them impossible to complete.
If I were Turbine, I'd want these amateurish-looking problems cleaned up so they don't look bad when the hordes of Forgotten Realms fanboys swarm onto the servers and start trying to decide whether they want to pony up a credit card to get more Elminster in their lives, or if the recent Dungeons and Dragons 3 movie on the SciFi Channel is as close as they really need to come.
Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.
had both the Cleric of Amaunator and Undead Heroes (Defeat the Necromancers and their minions) come up at the same time....both do not work.
12/21/12 @0659hrs PST.
--Fallen Immortals, Thelanis