As a Brit living in France, I'm looking to join a guild which is active during the day and evening, UK/European hours. Or a guild that isn't based in Europe, but has a sizeable number of European members.
I'm currently in a lvl 71 guild - the leader introduced me to DDO just under two years ago, and since then I've capped three toons and have a small stable of mid-lvl toons. While I've really enjoyed my time here so far, because of the difference in timezones, the diversity of goals and the fact that its a fairly small guild means most of my time has been either soloing or in PuGs. And running with guildies has usually meant a post-midnight start. That's been fine up to now but I'd really love to run with some players on a more regular basis at less anti-social hours.
Basically, I'd like to move one of my capped toons and one of my mid-lvl toons to a guild that is more in sync with my playing hours - which is often during the European daytime and regularly in the evenings.
I'm not a min-max player, and although I do enjoy raids and epics, getting the uber loot is not my main motivation. Yes, it's nice, but I don't pout over skunked chests. I'm a premium member and have all the adventure packs bought, but not the challenges and I haven't yet bought the expansion. I know some raids well, but others I've not even been in. I like challenging situations, prefer to be part of a team rather than lead it. I use voice chat but am a bit shy so I don't chatter away. I enjoy the lower lvls as much as the higher and find running a new toon around the market place as much fun as doing DA on epic.
Am happy to run a few quests with you first if you want to see if I'd be a good fit for your guild.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.