So you guys made New and Improved Coyle version 2.0....
put it in a RAID.... the only raid in an EXPANSION....
and made the loot for the raid not dependent on the raid but dependent on the brain dead ai of NIC20.....
Wow and I thought some of the other ideas in this game had been bad on and off over the years... congrats you guys just topped all of em....
I mean I thought the lob raid was a change.. you know more *other games we shouldnt discuss here* style... but an ecort quest as the main raid with loot dependent on the npc.... wow thats something even ... those other guys... wouldnt do to their playerbase.... wow is all I can say for now.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
It's always nice to have another quest that I have no intention of ever running ever again.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
Community Member
Soo.... when are we looking to be getting another new raid?
Community Member
Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...
I my be wrong but remember guys there new content comming 2 months after the xpack so the way this raid is laid out may lead into the new stuff so give it a shot and see we're things are taken in August bc while it I an escort raid it's a tough one and one I find to be very interesting and has very good intentions behind it so I say good job on this one guys and again only time will tell to what is to come in August
Demons run when a good man goes to war
Another raid was indicated for Update 15.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
That what I thought lol so there may still be a tie in somewhere to that one from this one
Demons run when a good man goes to war
ok. i've been holding my tounge thusfar, but here it goes:
i've been too busy with IRL stuff to do much Lam play, and what i have done has all been low level Druid playtesting, but i've been following the forums and dev tracker daily, so i know one thing about this raid
(bolded, capitalized, and italisized for emphasis)
seriously. i havent even been in it myself, and NEVER WILL, just because it is an escort quest.
oh, and tying loot to how well you babysit? just plain bad design, IMO
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
This reminds me of a sailor motto, after some googling i found an english version that's close enough to the french one i know :
If it's on the ground, pick it up.
If it moves, salute it.
If it doesn't move, paint it.
No time to curse between salutes and all that painting
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
Is there a cap on the number of spell wards that can spawn at a given time? At a certain point they give birth to the lag monster.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
In case it hasn't been mentioned, the escort part of the raid could have played a role in why Displacement was changed to self only.
Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS
Main toons: Kessem (Caster), Grubbly (Melee)
Proud Noob of Band of Gypsys on Khyber.
According to Cornell University, and the National Restaurant Association, 60% of restaurants fail within the first three years of operation. After five years, the number might be as high as 75%.
Turning that ship into a restaurant might be what scuttles it permanently...
Sink the ship. Start over.
The abbot raid was the last raid with this amount of bad PR early on. It wasted countless dev hours due to the badly thought out mechanics it employed. Sometimes an idea is so bad that it will require more work then doing everything over to make it work well. This is one of those cases.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella