Wow, this raid can lead to a lot of headaches if your not careful and not watching things around you. So I am going to start at the beginning of the raid.
The place where you start in the raid makes no sense, your are practically in the middle of the demon web. If this is your first time there you can easily go the wrong way, and run around the WHOLE map for hours looking for Ana. Sure the start of the raid is "Down the hill" and you watch a small show, but the little drama that unfolds pales in comparison with the drama in the tower of despair or even the lord of blades. It would make more sense to start where you have to take Ana out of the Demon Web, that way players would know where to take her after they find her as well as helping people plan a route to the end. You could always move the drama to the platform right after the exit and it will still fit right in.
Now once you find Ana, Lolth pops up and starts "Death Beaming" people. Which can get REALLY annoying fast, makes you look for a spot that you don't have line of sight and if you run your going to get zapped. Sometimes she has three to four of these beams hitting people and it really puts a toll on the healers in the party, especially if there on the healers (Quicken is a MUST). Also if you hide to long Lolth starts casting the annoying spell traps that slow you down and stuff which makes it even hard to run when you need to.
If you run from Lolth you might accidentally run into "Barrier" and the next thing you know your up to your neck in baddies somewhere FAR from the party. This could lead to an easy wipe of a person sitting out for 10-30 min. as the party makes it way to the lost person(s). Please don't make the "Barrier"s do this, instead make them knock you down like air elementals away from them, this way you won't have people getting frustrated because they now have to hike 5-10 min back to the party. Plus the "Barrier"s don't look like they would telaport people till one tries.
As for falling down in the demon web, it could get taxing real fast. 1d4 negative levels plus 100+ damage on top of 200+ spell point drain! It's bad enough you get knocked off by Lolths hand and foot, but **** I would rather die then lose that much resources. We could have Ana set up shrines but that would require us to spend even more resources in hunting down the stupid orbs and fighting Lolth and her "Beams of DOOM". I am fine with 1d4 levels and some damage, but the SP drain is a real pain and could make people frustrated more so in this raid.
When running around and trying to regroup me and a few others seemed to pass areas that would deal us force damage(Arcane waves) and we don't even know whats causing this. Me and a few others have died trying to get through it and nearly cause a party wipe because the healers could not see where the damage was coming from. I feel that this unnecessary and in no way helpful in an already confusing raid. Unless an icon shows up, and or some kind of graphic shows that you are crossing a hazard area, this effect should not even be used. Tired of pointless random deaths from a force that is busy "dealing" with my friends across the map.
The fights are ok, but some times when you got 3-4 Handmaidens it gets ugly real fast with the spamming of comet fall and power word stun with there small army of fortification piercing spies you might lose a few men or just wipe in a glory of spell spam and arrows. Please spread out the pockets of spawns with Ana so they don't congregate all in one area of death.
I was hoping to fight Lolth herself and not something that looks like a half finished model... Lolth still acts very static and looks horrible shooting eye beams and sending disembodied hands and feet after people. Don't know what to say but I am underwhelmed but the amount of effort put into the raid art wise, we get this great art of Lolth in her full form, we travel through 4 wilderness and 14 quests for a capstone raid to fight disembodied limbs and a really half finished placeholder of dimi-god. My bard finds the Lord of Blades more intimating then a scantly clad woman's torso. Sorry for ripping into the people who are the art designers for Lolth and this raid but I feel rather let down after all I seen in the expansion pack especially after the Kings forest.
I personally don't mind escort missions but sometimes it's pain trying to escort some one who might get stuck on geometry or have a "Herp a Derp" moment and gets themselves into a fight that was not needed. Ana seems rather stable but a few time she got caught in corners and such that it was a pain to move her out of. God forbid she some how falls off into the void, then we have to go hunt her down across the map.
The end fight was brutal and wiped once and nearly wiped a second time till we finally beat enough gate keepers to get past the wall and on out. Please allow us more then 30-60 seconds to run up past the wall or allow Ana to do what she normally does to arcane walls and blast them. Ana has shown us twice if not three times she can break down arcane walls. Don't make us rush to or deaths thinking she could do the same here...
This raid took a group of 15ish people to complete in 220 mins. (3.66 hours) and about 100-200 sp pots on Epic Casual. Only though Iron wills and determination did we finish and finish we did for some REALLY BAD VENDER TRASH. I think I will go cry in a corner and pray to bardic god Breca for his blessing on the Fate singer destiny.
Images for proof:
Group Picture:
Path to the end:
Please feel free to leave any comments, I know there might be better groups out there and I would like to hear how you handled some of the stuff in this raid.