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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    As someone who's soloed a few epics, I fully intend to try soloing epic elite quests...and I will eventually succeed. If these quests aren't solo-able by skilled people with good gear, unless there are inherent mechanics that require multiple people...they will be nearly impossible to do in groups (epic elite raids excluded, but that's a different tier of questing altogether). It's not even like instant kill changes will really stop solo changes...they'll just make solos take a bit longer and take a bit more effort to not run out of mana.

    Anyone who thinks epic elite shouldn't, can't, and/or won't be soloed...I doubt we're playing the same game. It definitely shouldn't be easy...but it also shouldn't be impossible. It should really be a fun challenge, though.
    The idea of putting in mechanics that do not go with the general consistency of DDO i would be very much against. I am a huge advocate of trying to make it TOO hard for one person to accomplish but i would seriously frown upon the devs if they created bs mechanics to make it so. If you want to give the mobs 80 saves and 80k hp thats one thing. That is not impossible due to crappy mechanics. thats "nearly" impossible due to DDO consistent game mechanics. While many would not appreciate it and would cry nerf, nerf, least they would not be making up bs mechanics to pull it off.

  2. #42
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    If the game was meant to have solo-ability, there should be a setting for solo on all quests.
    Old school mentality, sorry

  3. #43
    Community Member alexp80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcedes View Post
    Who here believes that they should be able to create a character that can solo Epic-Elite instances?
    I will do.
    Hope it will challenge my skills at best
    Guardiani di Eberron of Cannith
    Jhansen - Fvs TRx2 - Epic Lord of the Blades ||| Shenis - Wiz TR - Palemaster ||| Gauth - Brb - Frenzied Berserk ||| Porcino - Mnk TR - Child of the Void ||| Jhaina - Arti TRx2 - NailGunner

  4. #44
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Alcedes View Post
    The idea of putting in mechanics that do not go with the general consistency of DDO i would be very much against. I am a huge advocate of trying to make it TOO hard for one person to accomplish but i would seriously frown upon the devs if they created bs mechanics to make it so. If you want to give the mobs 80 saves and 80k hp thats one thing. That is not impossible due to crappy mechanics. thats "nearly" impossible due to DDO consistent game mechanics. While many would not appreciate it and would cry nerf, nerf, least they would not be making up bs mechanics to pull it off.
    I'm completely against such mechanics point is simply that anyone who thought this would stop casters from leading the kill count when they want to, or even soloing epics, is completely wrong.

    In all honesty, the new version of the nerf I am completely happy with...wail was rather strong, now it's less powerful, but other spells are still powerful...and Wruntjunior now has a reason to return to FvS eventually (though still waiting until the enhancement pass for that).
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

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