Originally Posted by
Gee, I don't know what casters people been playing, but mine have this thing called spell points, and every spell I cast, it uses some, if I ran around in quests FoD everything I would have no mana after about 5 minutes.
Those casters that are able to do something anywhere near similar to what people describe have at least - Epic Torc / ConOp goggles / Epic bramble casters - plus many many many past lives, sorc,cleric,Fvs,multiple Wiz, and so on......
How many players out of the playerbase do you think have that ? (not that many), in fact it's much much more common for a caster to NOT have all those things and past lifes, some of us need everything we can get to stay alive and viable in Epic content.
Killcount means very little, usually it means we've have a great "kill stealing" run with SLA's, it has nothing to do with single handedly "crushing" the dungeons.
There are of course players who are skilled, know the game extremely well, and are able to maximise efficiency with whatever they are given, again they are not the "masses", they are a minority.
It seems that the entire playerbase who enjoy their casters is to be punished for a small few attaining what in reality they deserve for obtaining / crafting / upgrading / farming, multiple TR toons.
That kind of "power" is there as an incentive to "keep going" with the game, as once you have capped a few times on different classes there is not much else to the game apart from becoming "more" powerful and having better gear... take the incentives away to do this kind of thing, and well, people won't bother, and if you've completed all the content and get no benefit for TR'ing many times and farming that epic gear, again, why would many of us bother ?
We'd go looking elsewhere of course, and all this just to keep some jealous players who deem something like a kill count as important happy.
It's like rewarding children who have a tantrum that another child got something they did not, and demand it be taken away.
It has no negative impact on anothers gameplay, other than they might not get as many kills......
If you personally think they're an "easy button" then don't play one, perhaps even limit how many are in your groups - (even though many would not allow a caster to join an epic run unless they have all the "gear" and DC's that they are whinging about).
Again (and I am getting sick of saying it) - Don't ruin the game for so many because so few are able to achieve something.
And of course if it's that "easy" for you, then roll a weaker toon, make it harder for yourself, you don't "have" to have "the best" do you ?
Melee want some buff then give it to them, if the playerbase that plays melee are not enjoying their toons due to limitations then by all means give them something, but if it's purely a jealous childish type thing, then don't reward it by punishing everyone else, it sets a very bad precedent.
We ALL want to have fun playing the game, why are we not "allowed" to ?