I cant belive that some people actually applaud and say Bravo Turbine for coming up whit this...Two most poor ideas coming from devs i seen so far.
You want do to something ok give the mobs higher saves more SR or something but this just lol....
I cant belive that some people actually applaud and say Bravo Turbine for coming up whit this...Two most poor ideas coming from devs i seen so far.
You want do to something ok give the mobs higher saves more SR or something but this just lol....
Nevermind. I just got lost in this thread.
Last edited by KillEveryone; 06-09-2012 at 01:42 PM.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Or: Wail 10 mobs (and there is still people that say Wail isn't op? 10 mobs with 1 click? ), 150 secs debuff. Next room you can hold everything, use your cheap SLAs with +50% from held mobs, help the melees to kill them. Next room, the debuff is gone.
Don't make it look worse than it is. And i'm not trying to make it better than it is.
My suggestion: I still think that -1 DC and 8 second per mob would be much better, capped at 10 mobs and 80 seconds thou.
Yes. You lose instakills by wailing. The higher your DC's, the more you lose. A 10 kill-Wail generates 10 TOTALLY UNNERFED Finger instakills. A high-DC caster will be able to fit a few more Fingers into the mix at a slight penalty to hit up to 15 or more instakills in that 150 second period. They can also target them wisely. And they didn't just completely LOSE their ability to instakill ANYTHING for several minutes, which is massively unfun.
Yes, your last cast of an instakill spell in the quest right before the boss-fight where you shift to DoT's. That's it.
You need to think about this change carefully and not just wish it's great because you're desperate to see Necro arcanes nerfed into the ground.
Last edited by Faent; 06-09-2012 at 02:48 PM.
I was actually thinking you were being heavily short-sighted, and then I saw this gem. It's already implemented in eChrono, and wizards do CC there! Even the maxed DC necromancers, since they can only wail the casters/archers, which they do. There is teamwork, and everyone is happy.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Very good idea, Eladrin. It does sound like it could get excessive with people dragging tons of mobs into one wail, but overall I think it addresses the issue pretty well.
Snarfity snarfly snarf.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Wait, am I misunderstanding it. Is it -20 to dc's for 15 seconds and then it pops back to normal levels, or is it -20 for 15 seconds, and then pops to -18 for 15 seconds, and then to -16 for 15 seconds?
If it's the former, I don't see the issue, if it's the latter, what a ****** nerf.
As I mentioned before, give mobs randomized spell lists that could or could not include DW or DW, Mass instead and let them cast it randomly. We wouldn't have a need for a nerf becuase we'd never know until it was too late if they had cast it. And it wouldn't be the same twice.
Karnasis (Human Wizard, Pale Master, Level 27), Taldall (Half-Orc, Monk- Perpetually abandoned)
Gildus, Yhvain, Sabathiel, Einion
Cannith, GOCI
Be Chill, have fun
10 quickened, heightened fods will also cost you 10x the sp of a single wail. Not a big deal at first, but we aren't talking about only 10 kills, are we? Say 20 kills? Or 30? You probably are also planning on conserving some sp for the boss fight, perhaps?
Most encounters also aren't 10 mobs unless the caster make it so by actively gathers them up.
For the moderate dc caster with half decent insta-kill capability, wail + fod backs up each other. Even the high dc caster gets the occasional save as well.
Don't get me wrong, wail is majorly nerfed by haunting, but there's still situations when wail could come in handy.
With more discussion it is still a horrible alternative
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
The "hauting" mechanic is interesting.
I play a PM and I can fully understand how melees can be frustrated sometimes ^o^
So forcing instakill casters to more teamplay is ok in my book.
On the other hand, I still scream "DoooMMMMM!!!!!11111!!!!" at the AC change.
Implosion has a cap on how many mobs can be killed with it. If Wail is the "problem", just cap how many mobs can be killed with 1 cast, and up the timer slightly.
Say... let Wail kill up to 6 mobs, increase timer to 40 secs.
IMO, it's a better solution than Haunting or HTK.
And nobody dev-wise has commented how this will effect Clerics/FvS for Destruction/Slay Living (other commenters may need a reminder that Implosion is not Necromancy )
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Instead of an outright nerf, here's a simple mechanic change that would be fun.
Remove the time limit, and put counters on for the number of enemies killed by aoe necro death spells. Each counter lowers your necromancy DC by 2. Remove counters by "Stealing Souls," getting a killing blow w/your other spells, including single target death spells. [SHOCK, you mean, use PK while my necro DC is lowered?!]
Now, so this doesn't feel like an outright nerf, put an enhancement in the necro tree for wizzies to gain +1/+2 DC by "Stealing Souls." So when they have no Haunting counters, they can get a net positive to their DC.
This does a) stops solo players from just afking until they're reset (which is not fun) and b) makes your intended change (tones down the amount of wail/circle spam) while still letting people spec for a bump in DC, and makes the mechanic fun.
BTW, I think this should ONLY apply to necromancy AoE, not implosion, for a whole list of reasons I won't get into now.
Thanks and good luck.