Quote Originally Posted by tinyelvis View Post
I thought and thought, trying to come up with a solution based on this sentence that didn't result in a penalty for success, but alas I could not. Has it really come to this. Is the situation so bad that success has to be penalized. I mean think about this. If this rule goes into play then the guys who spent sometimes years making and specializing their toon will be penalized more (and potentially perform worse) than the fellow who rolled theirs up a couple days ago. After one cast, essentially, the better caster can end up performing poorer than a weaker caster so long as both stay actively engaged. What's more, the better the caster, the poorer his performance is liable to be wrt others.

Is this really good MMO design? Can it really be a successful long term strategy to punish folks for playing the game and grinding out a hyper successful toon? If it really has come to a point where a certain class(s) when played hyper effectively causes the game to malfunction, then perhaps it is time to get rid of that class. I personally dont see the malfunction, but it appears the folks in charge do. I have never heard of anyone playing an MMO that penalizes you by making your toon perform worse the more you play and advance.
OK. Tinyelvis, either you really didn't understand the idea that you're trying to comment on, or you're deliberately misrepresenting for the purposes of stirring up trouble.

The "successful" caster gets the penalty for one-shotting a group of mobs. The "unsuccessful" caster doesn't get the penalty because they just burned SP, ticked off the group, and didn't kill any of them.
The lesser-performing character will take the same penalty as the better-performing one, when he gets the same result. He'll just have to waste more SP and time to get that result.