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I have some observations.
First, the assumption that a high necro DC trivializes content. There is a lot of hyberbole going around in this thread (largely about palemasters, which is interesting: without a +4 tome, a geared Necro AM (wf) has the same DC as a geared human PM, and is actually a more efficient instakiller being able to SLA a web and round up then kill, and having more sp. Where the PM shines is in damage absorption, not DCs, at the cost of burst healing. Not sure why people have such a strong misconception. The reason why a PM is a more efficient epic soloer is solely due to much greater efficiency torc'ing- whole different can of worms. A lot of bad information in this discussion). I have a 44-dc caster, which pretty squarely falls into the very-good-but-not-best-imaginable category. And from all this talk of the unstoppable, carefree wail-pushing juggernaut that is a PM, I think that the posters claiming that PMs are easy-button only run House P epic.
44 DC simply does not kill entire rooms in challenging content. It just doesnt. If you debuff wisely (turtle with lionheaded, crushing despair, circle, wail) then results are improved, but it really isnt a 95% thing in things that aren't trivial to any well geared and played toon. And if you debuff in that fashion you are A, getting the crud kicked out of you, and B, using lots more SP. And in places like eChains, it's still nowhere near enough to get everything. The argument that the hordes of eberron simply melt away in front of a half-decent DC caster does not bear water. There are very few places where that is true.
The complaining about kill count is also pretty absurd. What does that matter? And since when is there a proper apportionment of kills, evidently according to class? I think that there is a camp of players, many of whom can be found complaining about casters in this and related threads, who fundamentally want there to be only one way to play the game. These individuals are essentially playing an archetype of DDO, not the game itself. In that archetype, a divine's role is to heal everyone, the melee's job is to be valorous and foolhardy and charge the enemy, and the caster's job is to buff everyone and be squishy. In this model, it is HOW things get done that matter- ie. that they be done in the prescribed manner.
When people ask me what I like about DDO (I am really not an MMO person) I answer them with 2 things. One, the movement system is really pretty good and responsive: I like that the combat positioning is fast and that it matters, and there's a realistic-enough sense of motion and physics. The other is that this really is a flexible game: there are many many ways to accomplish just about any quest. I really like the fact the MMO stereotypes do NOT apply: my divine is a zergy monster who very rarely heals, and my melees definitely dont need anyone to babysit them. I like things like all-melee epics, like tanking shadows in TOD on a melee, having an instakill-focused monk, or tanking eDQ2 on a wizard. I like that a group of strong players can succeed despite very unusual party composition, by archetypal standards. If all those possibilities go away, it's a much less interesting game. This may be a bit of an overreaction, but I strongly feel that the undercurrent to the current backlash against casters is: You need to play MY way, and go hide in the back like you're supposed to and let me be a big man! That sentiment is extremely distasteful.
As to the suggestion at hand. I find it interesting but very flawed. I'll list some obvious drawbacks:
A. the dynamic penalty essentially creates an equilbrium of uselessness that all casters will surf. As others have mentioned, a 50DC caster and a 40DC caster are equivalent after the first 2 rooms of a dungeon, due to the penalty being directly proportional to success. That is terrible game design. Being better at something (necro DC, here) should never result in a greater penalty than being mediocre.
B. you are making people into pikers. This is also terrible game design. As an example of what I mean, see Abbot raid. I love abbot. But that is because I nearly always run tiles. Other people hate abbot. And that is because they have to wait around for 5-8mins, literally just wait, while 2 people have fun. This is why I always bring grease clickies to roids when I go there. As to the argument that arcanes have other options than instakills: yes, that is true. But they should be options to be used when appropriate, not a forced choice.
C. The magnitude of the haunted effect as it is proposed will be very large. Imagine a typical encounter: first thing you do is finger (with energy drain if necessary) the caster-type in the back, then drop CC, gather mobs, and wail. The wail will already be at -2DC, and if you succeed in killing 5 creatures, you are now at -12 DC and completely useless with instakills for the next.... 90seconds. That is a very very long time, 90 seconds.
What I would like to see: more varied encounters, and greater variance in saves and attributes among mob types. Unfortunately, as it stands most epic mobs are meatsacks which hit you with a stick, or meatsacks which wave their hands and make things go boom. They make look different, but in terms of their saves they are fairly close together. We may deal with them differently, but that is a reflection of their offensive traits, not their defensive ones. Make it a bit more rock paper scissors- as it stands now we have rock; we have something which looks like paper from afar but is suspiciously igneous on closer inspection; and scissors, which are rocks only with evasion and mostly negligible pewpew.
More variation in mobs defences would be an extremely compelling reason to approach them differently, versus just wailing, or debuffing then wailing. The only extent to which we really have this atm is epic drow, and then it is solely because of SR and web not having a SR check, not strength/weakness of save.
On a somewhat related note, giving melee (players and enemies) stronger tactics options is also a good idea. The nerf of offhand procs for TWF tactics remains utterly boggling to me. That should be reinstituted, and 2handed weapons should be given a bonus to the DC to compensate, or allowed to cleave tactics. Encouraging more intelligent use of melee CC and tactics is definitely a good thing.