So im putting together a pnp campaign for my long time roleplaying group. Using 3.5 rules, along with my ever changing house rules, the group is about to roll up thier choice of a drow, duergar, tiefling, Illithid or minotaur character. The setting will be fully in the underdark, with the denizens of the deep becoming the "heroes" of the realms as they fight of an interdimensional invasion by the githyanki.
My combat system is a more active one, where players can parry attacks made against them.
Armor class is lowered and all armors grant some damage reduction.
Combat Stamina allows pcs to perform different types of attacks such as:
Quick attacks - which have a slightly better chance of slipping past a parry
Strong attacks - that can jar your opponent off balance
and wild swings - for when your abilities are being pushed beyond thier limits
As well as other advanced attack types, stances, defense and "Risk" vs reward manuevers.
Ive also modified the spellcasting system to be as dynamic as the melee system.
We use spell points, metamagic feats work similiar to ddo and you can further augment spells to disarm or knock your target prone.
Illithid & minotaur are classes so the best you could do with say a minotaur fighter is 10 minotaur/ 10 fighter.
More to come but i dont want the server to spontaneously erase my long post in limbo.
The crafting mechanics have also been totally overhauled and honestly are way to complicated to explain here, but are more condusive to roleplaying. Ingredients, intent and of course character levels are factored in. You really have to build the whole item piece by piece, ideally from base metals and gems.
The party will all be of evil alignments but i want them to try and get into the cooperative evil mind set, like Dexter or the brotherhood of Evil mutants. Bound by a common cause i dont want them to play against each other, hopefully they will realize, even if character A doesnt like character B, they both need each other for survival and completion of any goals they may have.
In the underdark very few can survive alone.
However, the campaign is likely to end at 20, and Id be a fool not to expect one persons goal to hinder anothers. At that point, a texas screw job would be dramaticly acceptable if done in good rp fashion.
Just kinda putting this out there for questions, comments and mostly to get it out of my head. We start in 2 weeks time. maybe i will post updates as the campaign progresses.....we shall see.