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  1. #81
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVvAiaynAvVv View Post
    But I think you'll find in time if you stick with it you'll realize your characters haven't really been just have to's actually good for your playing ability.
    No, a lot of characters will be gimped. You might not have one, and that's fine, but your wishful and optimistic pronouncement isn't true. Your wishful thinking doesn't make it true, either. Many folks will have to LR out of their builds in order to bring them back to some kind of useful status unless Turbine makes further changes.

  2. #82
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faent View Post
    No, a lot of characters will be gimped. You might not have one, and that's fine, but your wishful and optimistic pronouncement isn't true. Your wishful thinking doesn't make it true, either. Many folks will have to LR out of their builds in order to bring them back to some kind of useful status unless Turbine makes further changes.
    One must be careful to remember that sometimes, when a build is destroyed by an update, that maybe said build was taking advantage of a mechanic that wasn't supposed to provide a large enough advantage to make the sacrifices worth it.

  3. #83
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    Disclaimer: This post is my opinion.

    Turbine do you know how happy I would be if on June 25 every class had a bunch of tier 3 pres and you could have more than 1. Racial pres too, that's enough to befuddle the staunchest altoholic.

    Getting pres and druids as well as epic levels and a megaspansion with moar lootz oh my!

    But we're not getting this. We're getting nerfs and formulas and yadda yadda oh well.

    The forums are filled with arguments for and against ideas, and quitting the game, rather than excitement.

    I have not seen anything that would make me want to quit, yet. However, Turbine you have managed to KILL THE BUZZ. You have kicked it when it was down and talked about its mother. Jun 25 exitometer on a scale of 1to 10 for me is at about a 2 and trending kerplunkwards.

    Now we see why we're not getting pres. We're not getting them because of this mess. Fine, pres are not done so be it but not because of this relaunch. Please just come clean and tell us if you have even the remotest chance of reworking spell dcs like you did ac so we can all quit the game now.

    Anyone ever hear of the KISS method? Just give it a little kiss. Keep It Simple Stupid. How hilarious would it be to have the zerging PM set of a random light trap? As has been stated many times improved dungeons and mob AI would be a bazzilion times more appreciated reworking every mechanic under the darkness.

    Menace of the Underdark, what a fitting tittle. Because we are all in the dark about what we're going to have to make sure our characters are playable in a few weeks and then again a few months later. It is quite the menace. Will we get hearts or not? One thing is for certain I don't have a clue.

    I don't want to beat a dead horse to death so I would like to thank all the devs for their work on a truly awesome game.

    Just to reiterate on the KISS method I recall one of my cousins birthday parties in the early 90's. My uncle had camcorder which was uber for the time but it was like the size of an RV. My cousin was born in late January and my uncle would have everyone over on super bowl sunday. As my uncle recording the festivities, another cousin of mine declares what an awesome idea it would be to set up the tri pod in front of the tv and tape the super bowl. Luckily the vcr had already been invented, and my uncle said why don't I just use the vcr? Devs, be the vcr.

  4. #84
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Wow....I hate to be the bearer of "bad" and quite obvious news......but if you have been around DDO long enough to have a character that is being "gimped" by an upcoming have also been around long enough to know this happens almost EVERY my question is......why are you still here?

    It reminds me of that Bugs Bunny where Elmer Fudd cages him in the back yard and gives him a bowl of food and the whole time Bugs is complaining saying I am not going to eat this kind of food he at the same time is stuffing his face with that same food LMAO
    Last edited by vVvAiaynAvVv; 06-10-2012 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #85
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    I'm pretty stoked about the expansion. Bye memory leak!
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  6. #86
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    Let me answer that vVv...

    Now let me start off, this is my personal feelings - you may feel totally figfferent & that's fine.

    I was seriously thinking of quitting after the challange pack - it just seemed like the last straw. Turbine just seemed to be on a different wavelength than a lot of their players (& I know I wasn't the only one who felt this way)

    2 things changed my mind.

    The 1st was the "Lets talk". I like the idea that the developers for the 1st time where actually prepared to hear what we said, work with us & admit they had to do better.

    The 2nd was the new enhancement system - it seemed to open the prmise of new things & variations & I wanted to try it.

    Later, I heard about the expansion - that definatly sounded like something to be excited about. But the 1st 2 points are what kept me in the game.

    The enhancement system is U16 at the earliest. This is disapointing but I can understand it, especially seeing what a mess the expansion is (they should never have given it a date - now they are trappedand the game will suffer).

    But that's not what has killed it for me. It's the turning their backs on the "lets talk" philosphy. The developers are quite happy to talk about topics they like or when they get praised and almost totally ignore topics they don't like. We're back to the bad old days. & this time, it's not little nerfs, this is a whole slew of them. Even if I could fix my toons, I really have little desire to do so anymore because it's only a matter of time till that get's nerfed also. & to be honest, i know that there is no point in complaining because Turbine doesn't want to listen & seem to be taking the attitude that they simply couldn't be bothered with what forumites feel.

    The only reason I'm still playing at all if because turbine had the great idea (they do have them, ) of the stone of exp - I would like to get a final TR in before the cut off date - saving that much potential time is too good not to take advantage of.


    After I hit lvl 8 & get "stoned", I'm done. I'm parking my charachters and waiting. There's always the possibility of Turbine comng to their senses. I don't expect it, but wonders never cease. But I will be looking elsewhere.

    1 final point - it just amazes me how Turbine can take what should have been 1 of the most exciting times for them & turned it intoa PR disaster with a lot of their fan base. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Even if they come to their senses, it's too late - they have lost a tremendous amount of good will. & the sadest part? It was all avoidable....

    once again, these are my feelings, you're quite welcome to disagree.

    signing off,


  7. #87
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    I am disappoint

    i'm sorry but i actually like almost everything about this :

    1 ac) on my ac toons ... my ac went up, even my monks... and on my non ac toons my ac went up. the only way ac were to go down for anyone in this update was if they had loads of dodge items and don't use defensive stances like CE but then they run into the second thing i like about this update

    2 more ways to defend yourself) the dodge changes are awesome a straight % chance to be missed. prr something to strive for on the non pajama tank toons. finally a bonus to actually go sword and board on a tank with full plate.

    running short on time before work but seriously try and give a better reason other than this new thing, it is bad

    one thing i don't like is the raid tho.... maybe in time i'll enjoy it more but it ranks with abbot on things not to do ... it's just one big lesson in attrition >_>

    the devs are listening ... they listened more in closed beta cause that was a less set in stone time, but they are still listening. it's just alot more posts to read, and you cant read and type at the same time

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