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  1. #21
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Just rammed 8 tier 3 items through the yellow dopant temporary marketplace shavrath altar. Data below. Impressions:
    • There are 3 recipes for tier3 deconstruction: regular decon, dual-shard decons (one per type) and distill essence decon
    • If you're destroying a dual-shard creation make sure to pick the dual-shard decon EXCEPT
    • If you need your essence back from a dual shard equipment piece, you have to select the distill essence (which gives back less) but is the only way to get a cleansing essence back
    • PRESENTATION BUG The distill essence recipe was presented/listed/available for any gsteel non-weapon (cleasnsed or tainted) I put on the altar including tier 2 ones... though it only functions on cleansed tier 3 items.

    Rewards in the format of total returned: Large/Medium/Small
    Mineral 2 Maul (dual) -> Dual Decon: 12/7/5 + signet stone
    Radiance 2 Khopesh (dual) -> Dual Decon: 10/6/7 + signet stone
    Lightning 2 Khopesh (dual) -> Dual Decon: 10/7/6 + signet stone
    Mineral 2 Khopesh (dual) -> Selected Normal Weapon Decon: 6/5/5 + signet stone
    Water 2 Warhammer (single) -> Weapon Decon: 7/7/7 + signet stone
    Bracers of Triple Air (single) -> EquipDecon: 7/6/7 + signet stone
    Lightning 2 Goggles (dual+cleansed) -> Dual Decon: 11/5/5 + signet stone
    Mineral 2 Cloak (dual+cleansed) -> Distill Essence: 5/7/7 + signet stone + essence of cleansing

    So the only real downside (other than half what you put into it) I see is if you currently want your essence of cleansing back, you wont get very good return on a dual infused equipment item. Though maybe they'll add essence dual rituals for all the dual types.... probably not.

    If you want to know if the dual return gave back any specific mix of ingreds for a particular recipe. I dunno. Here's my details.

    Min2 Maul:
    Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Maul of Mineral, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Gnawed Bone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Rad2 Khopesh:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Radiance Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Khopesh of Radiance, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Devil Scales, Large Devil Scales, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Devil Scales, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Lit2 Khopesh:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Lightning Strike Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Khopesh, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Devil Scales, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Min2 Khopesh as norm wep decon:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Khopesh of Mineral, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    WHammer of water norm wep decon:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Warhammer of Water, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Gnawed Bone, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Bracers of air tier3
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Equipment Deconstruction! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Sulfurous Stone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Devil Scales, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Lightning dual tier 3:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Lightning Strike Equipment Deconstruction! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Lightning, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Devil Scales, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Devil Scales, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Min2 Cloak w Essence Ritual:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Distill Essence of Cleansing (Deconstruction)! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Cloak of Mineral, Yellow Dopant. Created: Essence of Cleansing, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    I'm out grabbing lunch so I can't find the post, but regarding dual shard cleansed items giving less of a return of ing, there was a post when they first announced it stating that there was a technical reason that they could not give the bonus ing from a dual shard if you broke down an item with a stone of cleansing.
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  2. #22
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I have placed an Altar of Devastation next to the mailbox in the Marketplace (sorry it's floating in the air, but at least it works.) The only thing is is that this altar will disappear if the instance gets reset, so I can't promise it'll last through the weekend. I'll try to pop in a couple of times this weekend and re-place it as I can.
    Awesome, thanks Cordovan. Will hit it up once I get home if it's still there.
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  3. #23
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    Single-shard Air II bracers, cleansed... Distill Essence of cleansing:

    : Altar of Devastation success with Distill Essence of Cleansing (Deconstruction)! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers, Yellow Dopant. Created: Essence of Cleansing, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Gnawed Bone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Dual-Shard Mineral II belt, cleansed... Distill Essence of cleansing:

    Altar of Devastation success with Distill Essence of Cleansing (Deconstruction)! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Belt of Mineral, Yellow Dopant. Created: Essence of Cleansing, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Sulfurous Stone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Single Shard Earth II Light Pick, Weapon Deconstruction (only option):

    Altar of Devastation success with Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Light Pick of Earth, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Gnawed Bone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Gnawed Bone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Devil Scales, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Dual Shard Radiance II Heavy Pick, Radiance Weapon Deconstruction (One of two options):

    Altar of Devastation success with Radiance Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Heavy Pick of Radiance, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Devil Scales, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Seems pretty good to me.

    Missing tooltips in all the Decon recipes, and the tooltip for Distill Essence just gives the info for the actual stone of cleansing.

  4. #24
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I have placed an Altar of Devastation next to the mailbox in the Marketplace (sorry it's floating in the air, but at least it works.)
    I'll be the black sheep and say it.. This makes me want a 1/Week summon Cordovan Clicky.

    I can think of no better way to implement the Wish spell.
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  5. #25
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Lightning Strike Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Khopesh, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Devil Scales, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Devil Scales, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  6. #26
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Oh, good. The Signet Stone change did make current beta.

    I do appreciate this stuff getting extra testing. I can't imagine the pitchforks and burning tar I'd face if there's bugs here.
    Oh, I can. Just take a look back through the archives for when they changed evasion to not work in medium armor anymore.
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  7. #27
    Community Member BigSlugger's Avatar
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    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Concordant Opposition / Existential Stalemate Equipment Deconstruction! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Concordant Opposition, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Shavarath Signet Stone.

    10 Larges, 6 mediums, 7 smalls, signet stone
    selected dual shard decon for con opp goggles

  8. #28
    Community Member EustaceTrevelyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    If this system goes live with bugs, there will be apoplexy, a huge workload for GMs, and possible real problems. (Or there might be some form of greensteel duping, like the challenge chest duping exploit, or there could be other issues)

    Yet as far as I can tell noone has tested it on Lama at all because the Dopants drop in a raid that isn't being run on the test server at all.

    Can you please make Dopants available via some means to test this? I'd say that would be a much better use of Dev time than handing the beggars in Eveningstar literally 200+ of each Commendation each like is happening now. (A couple of dozen gets you everything you could want...)
    heh, if the system goes live with bugs, after the last release, I'm predicting that our players in the airforce will "accidentally" reroute a strafing run over Turbine HQ. Or Tomahawks, our friends on boats could send those with love) (kidding, kidding. They'll just send pizza. LOOOOTS and lots of pizza. Unpaid)

    EDIT: Looks like i should read the whole thread first. Seems like bugs are known already and minor, squashable types, just the way we like em (if we have to have bugs, that is. Which we do, It's the Law (tm))

    This system is going to be excellent.
    Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 06-08-2012 at 11:06 PM.

  9. #29
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Infinitely better than no decon at all, yet still not completely satisfying (I would REALLY like some way of getting the base item back, but iirc there were technical reasons why that wasn't going to work). I crunched a set of Triple-neg goggles and a Conc. Opp cloak and still didn't get enough mats back to create a new set of Conc. Opp goggles, but there was enough to definitely get a very good start on them...

    Will Yellow Dopant ONLY be available in the Shroud, and if so where? Will it be a random chest drop like Shards, or will it appear in the end reward list as well? I've searched but can't seem to find the thread this was discussed in (I recall it being discussed during Closed Beta). This is one of the very few game items I would buy in the store, btw.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  10. #30
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PNellesen View Post
    Infinitely better than no decon at all, yet still not completely satisfying (I would REALLY like some way of getting the base item back, but iirc there were technical reasons why that wasn't going to work). I crunched a set of Triple-neg goggles and a Conc. Opp cloak and still didn't get enough mats back to create a new set of Conc. Opp goggles, but there was enough to definitely get a very good start on them...

    Will Yellow Dopant ONLY be available in the Shroud, and if so where? Will it be a random chest drop like Shards, or will it appear in the end reward list as well? I've searched but can't seem to find the thread this was discussed in (I recall it being discussed during Closed Beta). This is one of the very few game items I would buy in the store, btw.
    It's unbound and drops in Shroud part 5 chests, according to release notes. Apparently a higher chance on Elite (not sure if that's because of there being 2½ ingredients chests on Elite compared to 1 on Normal and 1½ on Hard, or if the per-chest drop rate changes).

    I expect it will be in the store too - I'd ask it be loot-only for two weeks first though.

    Trying to load in to Lama to test it myself (have four cleansed dualshard items and 3 or 4 weapons on the toon) but am having trouble loading.
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  11. #31
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Test #1:

    Lit 2 greatsword, Lit 2 was 'locked' in inventory
    - Expected result: Altar says 'hey, that item is locked, go away' with no Dopant used
    - Observed: As expected

    Test #2:

    Lit 2 greatsword, unlocked. The Lit 2 happened to have an Adamantine Ritual on it.
    - Expected result: Sucessful decon, 12-ish larges, some smalls, some mediums, Signet stone
    - Observed result:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Lightning Strike Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Greatsword, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Signet Stone.

    - Can you say ouch? No scales... But that's just the dice hating me.

    Test #3:

    Concordant Opposition HB bracers, cleansed. Chose 'extract cleanser'
    - Special: This was done with a full inventory and my ingredients bag 'autogather' off.
    - Expected result: Cleanser, 6-ish larges, random other mats, all dumped into inventory overflow.
    - Observed result:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Distill Essence of Cleansing (Deconstruction)! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Bracers of Concordant Opposition, Yellow Dopant. Created: Essence of Cleansing, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Devil Scales, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    Items were dumped into inventory overflow as expected (at least the ones I cared about were, didn't check every single one but the Cleanser, Signet Stone and LDS were all there).

    Observed bugs: Nil.
    Observed working-as-intended but perhaps disappointing features: Randomness of which larges are returned is going to annoy the hell out of some people.

    I could only get two Dopants so that is the extent of my ability to test. A question though - do the recipies return the different types of Larges in equal numbers, or in a ratio closer to the amount each is used in recipes? (If you made all possible 36 single-shard Power Shards, you'd use 90 Scales, 54 Bones, 72 Arrowheads, 72 Chains, 66 Shrapnel and 78 Stones; and Shrapnels are over-represented among the recipes considered powerful by players).

    One quick note with the UI: The item upgrade descriptions still include pre-spellpower spellcasting augmentations (e.g. Greater Combustion 6).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  12. #32
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Supreme Shard Deconstruction! Consumed: Shard of Supreme Power, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Twisted Shrapnel.
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Equipment Deconstruction! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Helm of Wizardry VI, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Devil Scales, Small Devil Scales, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Gnawed Bone, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    This item was cleansed :
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Equipment Deconstruction! Consumed: Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Lesser Regeneration, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Small Devil Scales, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Devil Scales, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Signet Stone.
    You can put a Tier 2 item in the Tier 3 Altar and the Yellow Dopant. This will make the Deconstruction recipe appear, but when you click on Forge, nothing happens. This is WAI, but maybe a message telling that you can't deconstruct Tier 2 Item on that Altar would be appropriate. ( or when a Tier 2 item is in the Altar the Decon Recipe cannot be selected )
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  13. #33
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Yellow doped two GS items using the marketplace altar.

    First problem was UI related - there were three offered options on the interface for my con-op goggles and there wasn't much to distinguish between the bottom two - the window didn't have enough space to display all the text and hovering my mouse over it just brought up text related to the yellow dopant, not the deconstruction options.

    The second problem was that the hover-over text seemed to say that GS Item + Yellow Dopant + High Energy cell would act as a cleanser and remove the taint. This is not a valid recipe, but someone might get confused and deconstruct an item they didn't want to in an effort to remove the taint.


    Con-Op goggles (dual-shard) gave 13 large components (mostly bones - bah!) (5 bones, 3 arrowheads, 1 LDS, 3 shrapnel, 1 LSS)
    Tripple-pos maul (single-shard) gave 5 large components (2 chains, no LDS - double bah!) (1 bone, 2 chains, 1 shrapnel, 1 LSS)

    I noticed that the AH had run out of yellow dopant that had a buyout, so I seeded it with some stacks of 5 left over from my experiments.

  14. #34
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    I've restocked the Auction House, and it looks like the Altar is still there. Enjoy!
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  15. #35
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default Yaaaaaaa!! You da man Jerry!/Cord! :P! :)! Thanks a bunch!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I've restocked the Auction House, and it looks like the Altar is still there. Enjoy!
    Yaaaaaaa!! You da man Jerry!/Cord! :P! ! Thanks a bunch!

    Keep up the great work/customer service! xD! Sign this!!!:

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  16. #36
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, out in Shavarath...

    Stripping the bonus off a ToD ring does not return any ingredients, but adds the Incredible Potential back on, as advertised.

  17. #37
    The Hatchery Rinnaldo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I've restocked the Auction House, and it looks like the Altar is still there. Enjoy!
    Any way you could throw the other two Shroud altars up next to the one that's there? I don't have access to them on Lamannia with the character who has my greensteel. I'm guessing this is true for others, too... Thanks!

  18. #38
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Test #2:

    Lit 2 greatsword, unlocked. The Lit 2 happened to have an Adamantine Ritual on it.
    - Expected result: Sucessful decon, 12-ish larges, some smalls, some mediums, Signet stone
    - Observed result:
    (Standard): Altar of Devastation success with Lightning Strike Weapon Deconstruction! Consumed: +5 Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Greatsword, Yellow Dopant. Created: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Length of Infernal Chain, Large Sulfurous Stone, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Length of Infernal Chain, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Sulfurous Stone, Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Length of Infernal Chain, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Signet Stone.

    - Can you say ouch? No scales... But that's just the dice hating me.
    A-hem.. EEP! REally, none? Admittedly, I haven't looked hard, but cheapest dual-shard I've ever made took 4 scales. I'd honestly say ignore the first roll, give 'em a scale, roll after that, would be an improvement.

    Then again, this is entirely bonus goodie, so I'm by no means complaining. Nor has anyone posted about getting 12 scales from a single shard decon either.. Heh, I do wanna be that guy however.
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  19. #39
    Hatchery Founder
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    Looks like it works. I tested it out deconstructing a Triple Water Rapier

    Also works a bit like I feared, where I got 6 large ingredients, and they were all chains and stones. It's a little frustrating when it took 3 large devil scales to create.

    I wonder if perhaps the other deconstructions for dual shards have better results, since some of those combinations specifically require a large amount of Devil Scales.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  20. #40
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt_Hart View Post
    Admittedly, I haven't looked hard, but cheapest dual-shard I've ever made took 4 scales.
    That's one reason why I really wish they would look at the recipes and rebalance them to be more evenly split between all the ingredients. Nearly all recipes require 2-3 devil scales, and right now I have a hoard of infernal chains that are doing me no good.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
    Member of the DDO Player Council

    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
    Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer

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