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  1. #1
    Community Member DarkSable's Avatar
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    Default Doom threads (And why Closed Beta forums shouldn't have been hidden.)

    Devs, I have a question for you.

    On the new, 'open' beta forums, I'm seeing the doom that was in the closed beta, but multiplied by about five. It's kinda ridiculous. (Especially considering how much better things are than they were with Beta1.)

    So here's my question. Why, instead of just removing the account restrictions to access the beta forums, did you change over to 'lama' forums? The reason I ask this, is because if players were able to read everything the closed beta folks have already gone through and crunched the numbers on, there would be a LOT less drama and DOOOOoooOOmmm.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSable View Post
    Devs, I have a question for you.

    On the new, 'open' beta forums, I'm seeing the doom that was in the closed beta, but multiplied by about five. It's kinda ridiculous. .
    Agreed. But the further changes they had up their sleeves is what really takes the cake. You know, the ones they didn't even hint about?

    They've taken the DooOOoMMmMM and not only called, but raised significantly.
    (On another note, you can still see the beta forums through any links you have saved, like in your user CP. They are all still there, just hidden. )
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  3. #3
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Most of the outrage is over the hard-to-kill and change to displacement which were NOT in the closed beta. AC changes took some anger but in general I feel that most people were in acceptance of it especially since the devs were quick to respond to questions.

    The problem now is that the devs are dropped a bomb and haven't said anything. Must be a big meeting happening while the cube squishes through.

  4. #4
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    imo the ac changes as far as ac goes is one thing (looks like any dex based toon is now even more gimp but maybe it will be ok)

    the bigger thing is its effect on our own dps. Say a rogue/monk/ranger/pally hit on the same hi ac mob as a full tard barb/kensei. Earlier with enuff buffs they got up to miss only on a 1 (possibly in worst case deactivate PA). Now they will be 10-15% behind the barb in % of hits which equates to well over 100 dps. Then add in that possibly only the rogue situationally has better damage than the barb and the difference in dps becomes even greater. This change, as far as I can tell, more than any other change ever kills off mixclasses, 3/4 classes, dex classes etc etc. Go barb or be gimp. Axer will be happy I gz ^^

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandeibra View Post
    imo the ac changes as far as ac goes is one thing (looks like any dex based toon is now even more gimp but maybe it will be ok)

    the bigger thing is its effect on our own dps. Say a rogue/monk/ranger/pally hit on the same hi ac mob as a full tard barb/kensei. Earlier with enuff buffs they got up to miss only on a 1 (possibly in worst case deactivate PA). Now they will be 10-15% behind the barb in % of hits which equates to well over 100 dps. Then add in that possibly only the rogue situationally has better damage than the barb and the difference in dps becomes even greater. This change, as far as I can tell, more than any other change ever kills off mixclasses, 3/4 classes, dex classes etc etc. Go barb or be gimp. Axer will be happy I gz ^^
    These are my favorite posts! You should probably reread all of the combat changes. Axer is screaming that his barb is now useless, everyone else screams they got nerfed more than anyone else, then a few more people complain that they, in fact, were nerfed the mostest. It's just different guys, that's all there is to it.

  6. 06-07-2012, 01:55 PM

  7. #6
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandeibra View Post

    I agree it is just different. The game will keep going, the change may even be good, BUT this change makes less builds viable/optimal instead of more. To me that has always been the main appeal of DDO. Axer's strong suit has never been the nerdy-math calcs - mine is I am not saying my toons are affected the most, I am saying the difference between the full tards and the not will be increased. Read and reread my post again, the by all means comment on the correctness or lack thereof.
    I agree

    By trying to reduce the number of effective builds, DDO is becoming more like WOW
    Every game that has tried to become more like dead.
    Push the game away from WOW, not closer.

  8. #7
    Community Member DarkSable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    (On another note, you can still see the beta forums through any links you have saved, like in your user CP. They are all still there, just hidden.)
    I know, and love it; my thing was that it would have been nice if the old beta forums had been open to the the people coming in for open beta; I've seen a number of doom threads (such as on AC, PRR, and how we're all going to be useless from now on) that we saw, and resolved, early on in beta testing.

  9. #8
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    No matter what they did or how they did it, there would still be a ton of dooooom threads.

    It's a real PITA right now trying to sift through all the BS doom threads just to read constructive info.
    The Fockers of Argo
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  10. #9
    Hero chickenmaniac's Avatar
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    Absolutely agree.

    It was DOOOM for a week in closed beta then when people started playing rather than just reading the changes the doom changed to useful feedback.

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