I know the new content doesn't have scrolls but there likely will still be some stuff worth farming of the old content.
Will the scroll drop-rate be the same in Epic N/H/E or will there be a variance based on the difficulty level?
I know the new content doesn't have scrolls but there likely will still be some stuff worth farming of the old content.
Will the scroll drop-rate be the same in Epic N/H/E or will there be a variance based on the difficulty level?
Hopefully they dont drop the rate on the normal epic difff...
If the previous posts from Dev's and observations from players were any indication...
The "current" live implementations of epics were supposedly between hard and elite.
So take the current drop rates, and take them DOWN for hard. down farther for normal, and put them in the slim to none for casual.
Yes, the rewards scale per difficulty. Epic Lords of Dust was nerfed down to somewhere around 20 epic fragments on normal, If that gives you any idea where the developer's heads are at.
And no, regardless of how many threads were started and begging was done, our pleas for them to "fix" the now poor quality of epic gear and/or drop rates fell on deaf ears.
Devs just want to work on the NEW loot, though there was some mention of revisiting the epic augmentation crystals at some unknown point in the future.
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Originally Posted by Chilldude