We need a unified thread, with everyone commenting about how will TR out hopefully can get enough attention to get a Dev to comment on what role they expect spellsingers to play. I've read comments from some people that Devs think bards shouldn't be able to play healer, the displacement "fix" and inability to get easy access to the healer fate, sure is a huge step towards that so what exactly now will a spellsinger bring that some other kind of bard couldn't? With charms been useless in epics the only cc is disco and single target hold is it really worth nerfing your dps to almost 0 just for those two spells and a bit more sp. All bards can fascinate so if ccs really needed that's an option, so what use is a capped spellsinger other than a buffbot?
If they won't add something new spell-wise to make charisma worth using, how about removing charm ward on easier epics? Would give an AOE CC option at least. Thoughts anyone?