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  1. #1
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    Default Cleric, time to retire?

    Let's see:

    spell power nerfs BB because most damage comes from enhancements and clerics get none for force? check.

    Need to fit extra items on self because of nerf to potency? Check.

    Unlikely to melee because weapons give extra potency power via "implement" rule? Check.

    Hard to kill makes the few insta kills I had useless? Check.

    So unless I missed something, save healbot, I'm all out of uses for my clerics and I don't like been a healbot...

    I hope they allow hirelings in raids, because all the "happy they finally nerfed those OP casters!" melees are gonna have no one to heal them.
    Last edited by DeafeningWhisper; 06-07-2012 at 08:13 AM.
    "Pike or do not. There is no lag."

  2. #2
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    Nah. Melees will learn to roll WF and get healed by standing next to the group of sorcs that are destroying everything while spamming mass reconstruct. We are getting mass reconstruct soon, right?

  3. #3
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    oh yeah time to retire the crying

  4. #4
    Community Member MnaSidhe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    Let's see:

    spell power nerfs BB because most damage comes from enhancements and clerics get none for force? check.

    Need to fit extra items on self because of nerf to potency? Check.

    Unlikely to melee because weapons give extra potency power via "implement" rule? Check.

    Hard to kill makes the few insta kills I had useless? Check.

    So unless I missed something, save healbot, I'm all out of uses for my clerics and I don't like been a healbot...

    I hope they allow hirelings in raids, because all the "happy they finally nerfed those OP casters!" melees are gonna have no one to heal them.
    Too much pessimism.

    Hard to Kill is not as bad as it sounds... it only applies to the hardest quests on the hardest levels... so for most of the time you can still destruct things... and even in some heroic quests the monsters cast Death Ward on one another....

    Blade Barrier kiting even works in Beta...
    And even if the Artificer can make a bigger blade barrier... my cleric blade barrier still does damage...
    And if the artificer has to run the monsters through 3 times, and I do 5 times... they are still dead!
    No longer reading the Forums.

  5. #5
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    While it might suck, I found taking a level of art at the beginning, buffs a cleric in so many ways and fixes the horrible low levels since you can pew pew with a repeater/Zen and get 20% (no idea what it will be now.) to blade barrier, cometfall and fire spells. Works great for TR leveling.

  6. #6
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MnaSidhe View Post
    Too much pessimism.

    Hard to Kill is not as bad as it sounds... it only applies to the hardest quests on the hardest levels... so for most of the time you can still destruct things... and even in some heroic quests the monsters cast Death Ward on one another....

    Blade Barrier kiting even works in Beta...
    And even if the Artificer can make a bigger blade barrier... my cleric blade barrier still does damage...
    And if the artificer has to run the monsters through 3 times, and I do 5 times... they are still dead!
    I know, I was in the beta. The thing is, I pug a lot (Hell I only pug on my healers) and I don't see a ton of roles other then healer for my capped and lvl 19 cleric. One was an evoker the other a Nun with a Gun build, she'll still plink away while the evoker will... What? Look cool while running with the party?

    What many people don't seem to realise is that ANY nerf to healers no matter how trivial it may seem to you = less healers PuGing and pugs are already waiting on healers long enough as is.

    They are making the hardest job in DDO harder: no one recognises your role in the succes of the party, but are quickly blamed for a wipe, the only class that often LOSES plat after a quest is finished, people screming "heajl" all the time, been insulted by daring to more then just heal... This doesn't help puging, at all.
    "Pike or do not. There is no lag."

  7. #7
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    nah heres what ya do

    reroll clr or fvs to an 18/2 clr or fvs/fighter who is str/con based

    pick up
    weapon focus (your choice of 2h weapon)
    power attack
    great cleave
    all of these except toughness lead to...
    overwelming critical (for one of your two epic feats)

    this would leave you with 4 extra feats yet (or two if you wished to go pure 20 clr or fvs) quick and max you know just for your blade barriers

    Next get to legendary dred ed.... become a legendary dred.... get your twists from well wherever you want, pick mele based and self serving ones only...

    grab yourself a big ole 2 hander * esos if ya got it*

    Congrats your a self healing mele with blade barriers.

    Join groups, when they complain tell them to go to the boards and thank people who wanted caster nerfs, since they wanted rid of casters, and the devs decided to give in at all, you figured you'd join the train leaving the station and become a mele, so they have a self healing blade barrier throwing mele. Suggest to them that they may wish to pull out their pots or maybe stay near you and your aura *if your a clr* and go to the forums to discuss their opinion of recent changes.

    I mean if every clr/fvs thats disatisfied with the way they're playing out the clr/fvs ed and the most recent changes did this they'd probably have to shut the forums down for a few days for the amount of people complaining, and I wouldnt want to be one of those posters who complains about casters, sticking your head out of your hideyhole while thats goin on will be lible to paint a big ole target on it for all the ticked off meles.

    Personally i believe this is where my combat caster is going.

    so to the op.. no more heal bot.. now mele... no one gets to complain about your heal bot being less powerful, all you have to worry about is healing yourself.

    To any who wish to complain and say thats greedy thats bs.... sorry its not... its simply where I see the game seems to be making divine casters head to be the most useful. People are welcome to continue down whatever path they wish, but this is the only path I'll considering going down with a divine in the future, and anyone who complains will get told where to stick their opinion.... in the next *casters are op nerf them now* thread that comes long.
    Last edited by Xaxx; 06-07-2012 at 09:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member HalfOrcBeautyQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    nah heres what ya do

    reroll clr or fvs to an 18/2 clr or fvs/fighter who is str/con based

    pick up
    weapon focus (your choice of 2h weapon)
    power attack
    great cleave
    all of these except toughness lead to...
    overwelming critical (for one of your two epic feats)

    this would leave you with 4 extra feats yet (or two if you wished to go pure 20 clr or fvs) quick and max you know just for your blade barriers

    Next get to legendary dred ed.... become a legendary dred.... get your twists from well wherever you want, pick mele based and self serving ones only...

    grab yourself a big ole 2 hander * esos if ya got it*

    Congrats your a self healing mele with blade barriers.

    Join groups, when they complain tell them to go to the boards and thank people who wanted caster nerfs, since they wanted rid of casters, and the devs decided to give in at all, you figured you'd join the train leaving the station and become a mele, so they have a self healing blade barrier throwing mele. Suggest to them that they may wish to pull out their pots or maybe stay near you and your aura *if your a clr* and go to the forums to discuss their opinion of recent changes.

    I mean if every clr/fvs thats disatisfied with the way they're playing out the clr/fvs ed and the most recent changes did this they'd probably have to shut the forums down for a few days for the amount of people complaining, and I wouldnt want to be one of those posters who complains about casters, sticking your head out of your hideyhole while thats goin on will be lible to paint a big ole target on it for all the ticked off meles.

    Personally i believe this is where my combat caster is going.

    so to the op.. no more heal bot.. now mele... no one gets to complain about your heal bot being less powerful, all you have to worry about is healing yourself.

    To any who wish to complain and say thats greedy thats bs.... sorry its not... its simply where I see the game seems to be making divine casters head to be the most useful. People are welcome to continue down whatever path they wish, but this is the only path I'll considering going down with a divine in the future, and anyone who complains will get told where to stick their opinion.... in the next *casters are op nerf them now* thread that comes long.

    I agree, I think we're going to be seeing a lot more STR-based Clerics & Fvs. Why not? It's fun. The biggest downfall to being a melee-based healer is swapping out items for Devotion Spellpower. That is - until the ideal gear set up is devised so you only have to swap out weapons and can leave accessories in place (for the most part).

  9. #9
    Community Member alexp80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MnaSidhe View Post
    Hard to Kill is not as bad as it sounds... it only applies to the hardest quests on the hardest levels... so for most of the time you can still destruct things...
    I'm not playing for years with my wiz to play epic casual. So for NONE of the time my spell will work anymore, simply because i will stop playing my wiz and my melee fvs either.

    That's it. Now we will see again pugs waiting for hours to get a single cleric/caster (that is mandatory) to fill in the group.
    Guardiani di Eberron of Cannith
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  10. #10
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MnaSidhe View Post
    Too much pessimism.
    ... maybe.

    Quote Originally Posted by MnaSidhe View Post
    Hard to Kill is not as bad as it sounds... it only applies to the hardest quests on the hardest levels... so for most of the time you can still destruct things... and even in some heroic quests the monsters cast Death Ward on one another....
    Except you can't dispel it and does nothing except make a wizard just cast mass hold like the old epics. Wouldn't be too much of a problem except you *can* get bravery bonus with epic levels so many people want to play them.

    Quote Originally Posted by MnaSidhe View Post
    Blade Barrier kiting even works in Beta...
    And even if the Artificer can make a bigger blade barrier... my cleric blade barrier still does damage...
    And if the artificer has to run the monsters through 3 times, and I do 5 times... they are still dead!
    I'm confused by the above. How much damage do you think a cleric will do while having to run around and heal people? Don't forget you have less spell power, less options for damage mitigation (b/c you now that rogue still has 36 ac in epic hard. He will never get all his bonuses up to the 50% of displacement).

    Its all a bunch of last minute changes that Turbine did b/c they didn't want to scare the closed beta people.

  11. #11
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    So your answer is, "Stop complaining and be a melee healer instead of a caster healer"? Really?

    I don't like being a melee healer. I like casting. I was hardly OP with it, given the limited instakill spells we have, but that plus BB was useful. And since I didn't see a ton of clerics complaining about their abilities before the nerfs, I don't believe hiding in fear to say something about it matters anyway.

    I don't want to be just another flavor of melee on my cleric.
    A little snark, no vitriol.
    (with credit to HungarianRhapsody)

    Graceana (currently a caster bard)
    My alts are put out to pasture
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  12. #12
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    So your answer is, "Stop complaining and be a melee healer instead of a caster healer"? Really?

    I don't like being a melee healer. I like casting. I was hardly OP with it, given the limited instakill spells we have, but that plus BB was useful. And since I didn't see a ton of clerics complaining about their abilities before the nerfs, I don't believe hiding in fear to say something about it matters anyway.

    I don't want to be just another flavor of melee on my cleric.
    if your talking bout my post, it didnt mean stop complaining, it ment switch to mele.... not mele healer... MELE... drop mass heal for storm of vengance... etc.... become a MELE WITH SPELLS.. then for anyone who complains tell them to come complain to the forum for making this the most effective way of playing your class.

    Let THEM do the complaining for/with you.

    Let the forums burn with battlecleric hatred and turn that hatred twoards the devs nerfing casters. Let them touch that fire ... and the next time one of the OMG NERF ALL CASTER threads appear watch what happens

    people can run what they want to run, my post was simply a suggestion to do with a character that is a viable build and something people dont get to complain about when they see it in a group unless they're on the forums to complaining about caster nerf. Run that battle caster, and anyone who complains go *dude whats your forum name, i'm going to look righ tnow at your recent posts and if theres nothing about complaining about dc stuff I'm going to tear you a new one*

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    drop mass heal for storm of vengeance
    Umm, it appears you haven't copied a cleric or favored soul over to Lamannia yet, divine as of right now are NOT getting any of the new divine spells being introduced. so, unless you are druid, no storm of vengeance for you.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  14. #14
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    Need to fit extra items on self because of nerf to potency? Check.
    New items, new inventory setups. This will not be an issue.

    Unlikely to melee because weapons give extra potency power via "implement" rule? Check.
    Yeah, if your heals hit for 530 instead of 550, you're an utter gimp. You can still use melee weapons and heal and cast just fine.

    Hard to kill makes the few insta kills I had useless? Check.
    Maybe... Still need to play with it more. "Useless" is always an exaggeration though. Why is that MMO people always talk in extremes? It doesn't make the reasonable people listen more; it makes them listen less.

    So unless I missed something
    this just the same old forum rage we get before EVERY change.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 06-07-2012 at 04:16 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  15. #15
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    yes retire, delete your toon and give me all your stuff.

  16. #16
    Community Member Xezrak's Avatar
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    Of course cleric has to die, all casters and divines must be slowly killed out of the game....

    so druids will shine!

    Need a healer? druids can heal!

    Need a caster? Druids again!

    of course they might not be as good, but hey ....

  17. #17
    Community Member Dolphious's Avatar
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    Wow, so far I think I've read now that all the sorcerers, wizards, barbarians, and now clerics are going to rage TR.

    What are all you guys going to go with? Ranger?

    And personally I've never really found that it's particularly hard to find healers for raids. Sure 5 melees sanding outside of *random quest* have a hard time finding a divine, but that has more to do with unknown and "not worth the trouble" factors. Everybody wants to run raids, and I don't find myself waiting around for divines much more than any other specific role for relevant raids (tank, bard, caster, etc).
    Gildus, Yhvain, Sabathiel, Einion

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  18. #18
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Grind out two more cleric lives so you can web epicsbetter.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  19. #19
    Community Member Vazok1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    Let's see:

    spell power nerfs BB because most damage comes from enhancements and clerics get none for force? check.
    so you didnt get something you didnt have before. thats not a nerf, thats just you complaining you didnt get something other classes get

    Need to fit extra items on self because of nerf to potency? Check.
    tier 1 alchemical gives healing spell power, problem solved.

    Unlikely to melee because weapons give extra potency power via "implement" rule? Check.
    see above

    Hard to kill makes the few insta kills I had useless? Check.
    so your only ever going to run epic elite on your cleric huh? adapt. use bladebarrier to get mobs down then do implosion

    So unless I missed something, save healbot, I'm all out of uses for my clerics and I don't like been a healbot...
    ye you missed loads.
    I hope they allow hirelings in raids, because all the "happy they finally nerfed those OP casters!" melees are gonna have no one to heal them.

  20. #20
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Grind out two more cleric lives so you can web epicsbetter.
    So far that's the plan if this "Hard to Kill" thing goes live...

    I didn't like the changes I saw in Beta, but I was willing to roll with them:

    Need to fit devotion? Okay I see the logic, I'll drop str and stop meleeing in between casts with my trusty fully upgraded Dreamspitter and get a heal stick, no biggie.

    BB is low damage Max/Emp are not as strong? Fine, I'll respec into insta-kills, not like they are plentiful and it gives me something fun to do in between heals without over using my SP bar.

    Hard to Kill comes along... Now what? Forced to be a battle-cleric or healbot? Low damage wanna be offensive caster? None of those looks fun to play to me.

    If I talk in extremes it's because I don't see a way to play my evoker, at all, under this new system.
    "Pike or do not. There is no lag."

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