@Moderators : Please move this if the General DDO Discussions aren't the right place for it. However, I thought that it would get the most attention there.
Hello, everyone,
I just read about an scientificy study on griefing in MMORPGs.
I'm in no way connected to it, but since I stumbled upon the term of "griefing" several times in these forums here, I thought tht you might be interested in this scientific study.
You can participate here : http://medusa.ballarat.edu.au/limesu....php?sid=44463
Explanation about it here : http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showt...post1061147730
Snippet from this explanation :
AlrikThis research will explore the following questions; what are the causes and implications of griefing in MMORPGs, and what magnitude of griefing exists in this genre? The intention is to contribute new research and knowledge about griefing and its sociological impact.
The study will involve an online survey for participants of the ages 16 and above. This survey will cover your experiences as someone that has performed griefing, been subjected to griefing, or as a witness to the acts of griefing.
You will remain anonymous by completing this survey. The online survey will remain open until an appropriate sample size is collected.