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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default for a fighter tank to get US......

    i take it i have to do

    LD3 then swap to GF4 to finally get to the US tree........ ouch!

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    You can skip Dreadnought if you want. You're allowed to start with any martial class.

    But yeah, really don't like this. Think of the poor Favored Souls that want to spec Magister...
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  3. #3
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    or do i just go all the way in LD and then GF onto US so i can twist things from LD and GF...... (not that i really understand all that yet) and that might take a while lol

  4. #4
    Community Member nivarch's Avatar
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    The worst with this is not really that you cannot start exactly with the destiny you want, it is that you may need to cross many useless destinies to unlock the one you want.

    Back to the example of the evoker FvS that want magister, if you start exalted angel (because there are some twistable things in here), you'll then have to walk through 3 useless destinies for you (Flowers, Shadowdancer [up to level 4!], Fatesinger).
    I wouldn't mind being forced to start Exalted angel if I could unlock magister at ED level 4...

    It's the same for most classes: if you want to unlock a destiny in another sphere you'll be forced to use pointless ED for a while.

  5. #5
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    need to read more about leveling the various destinies and what twists do etc all rather confusing

  6. #6
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nivarch View Post
    The worst with this is not really that you cannot start exactly with the destiny you want, it is that you may need to cross many useless destinies to unlock the one you want.

    Back to the example of the evoker FvS that want magister, if you start exalted angel (because there are some twistable things in here), you'll then have to walk through 3 useless destinies for you (Flowers, Shadowdancer [up to level 4!], Fatesinger).
    I wouldn't mind being forced to start Exalted angel if I could unlock magister at ED level 4...

    It's the same for most classes: if you want to unlock a destiny in another sphere you'll be forced to use pointless ED for a while.
    so your talking about twisting things from a destiny and the complainig that you have to go through other destinies (earning fate levels doing it) to get to the destiny you want when you'll have to give up that destiny to go run other destinies to get fate levels to unlock twists of fate which you just said you planned on using.. so..... yeah... it takes longer to get to where your going, but your doing exp on the way there youd end up goin back and doin anyway for most people.... so umm???? yeah??

  7. #7
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    I believe there was a developer post yesterday indicating that you will be able to store purchase a single adjacent ED unlock. This means if you are a fighter tank and want to START with US as quickly as possible you can start in grand master of flowers and unlock US using a store-bought token. Immediately start leveling US at 0 xp towards 21.

    I don't find it a perfect solution but for people that want to shortcut it is there. I don't really see the big issue anyway as people will want to be unlocking fate points anyway which means you basically need 3+ levels in multiple destinies anyway... just think of it as a delayed access to "final" ED just like multiple-TRs do.

  8. #8
    Founder Cashiry's Avatar
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    Easy way to unlock it would be to LR 6 levels of pally 1-2 weeks prior to launch date. Launch date happens, activate US as your destiny, then emidiately LR and get your fighter levels back. seems like a pain.

    But would rather do that then leveling GMoF to 4 since a fighter can start with that destiny. Just to unlock US.
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