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Isn't this (rather true) argument totally counter productive to the overall argument? You are saying "barbs have great survivability, great aggro pulling". If that is the case, then why give them great DPS as well? In that case, we should put supreme cleave back to the 6 second time to get things better balanced.

Originally Posted by
Wait, aren't you disagreeing with Shade? His argument is that Supreme Cleave is balanced because a barb takes so much damage from feat itself, plus Frenzies, plus all the aggro he generates.
Sounds like you agree more with me that barbs have solid damage mitigation, and do NOT need a cleric on his "A" game to stay alive when using Supreme Cleave.
No, the guy I quoted said that barbarians are "difficult to keep up." To me, that means you can't keep them up... on their feet... alive... not dead. Which is of course not true. My barbarian hardly dies at all. In fact the only times I've seen him die recently were either:
1.) When a raid wipes.
2.) In the Lord of Blades.
Oh well maybe he meant that barbarians are difficult to keep up to full HP. But that's also not true because any decently geared lvl 20 barb has SOME healing amp, and even without it, any decently geared lvl 20 healer class should be able to full-heal the barb with just 1 Heal spell. I know that healers can keep my barb healed with just Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Panacea, and Positive Energy Burst so this isn't unrealistic.
Barbs DON'T have solid damage mitigation on LIVE.
They have more of it now on the beta. And it requires a modest amount of gear to reach that point. But yeah in my opinion, under the new system barbs are much more easily able to tank epic Lord of Blades... even better than a stalwart can! Because the stalwart can't contribute anywhere near the same level of DPS and hate generation.
But Supreme Cleave does do a lot of self-damage. I use it all the time now for the 4th glancing blow and after about 20 seconds of constant use, I've lost 100 HP. Either the healer or I have to keep an eye on my HP because it drains like a fast-acting poison. It's a great way to balance the 0s cooldown.
What's changed is this: New content monsters have a LOT more HP and deal a LOT more damage than old content monsters. Barbarians are designed to be the go-to sustained damage-dealing class in this game right? The hot knife through goblin butter... the ultimate spear... gatling gun... machine gun... mini gun... The Terminator... etc. From what I can tell there are two types of enemies in this game:
Old or Low-Level Content. These types of monsters generally have poor HP and deal less damage than equivalent-level new content. My barbarian typically just mows into them and cuts them down in a few hits because their HP is so low. He takes damage and can basically solo most of the quest himself with just self-healing. Quest bosses of this type have low HP/damage, are easy to solo, and he doesn't need much help with them. Recently, many of the old raid bosses (Abbot, Reaver, Arraetrikos) have had their HP boosted to match new content, but their damage is still more or less at the old level.
New Content. These types of monsters have massive amounts of HP and deal significantly more damage than the older stuff. For example, Servants of the Overlord. This is insanely difficult to solo on a barbarian yet it's only a lvl 18 quest. Most of this is due to the Khyber Reavers, which have tons of HP and deal lots of damage with their meteor projectiles. Sins of Attrition elite, a lvl 21 quest, is MUCH easier by comparison. Raid bosses of this type are just devastating. Epic Lord of Blades does something like 200+ damage per swing and has more HP than elite suulomades in VoD! It's actually preferred to use a specialized damage resistance or AC tank against him instead of a barbarian, although this will change with the new defense system. But something like elite Horoth? Pff... easy on a barbarian.
Now what hasn't changed? Melee damage. Static +STR and +damage items scale poorly with the massive amounts of HP that new monsters have. +2d6 and +4d6 elemental damage scales poorly. Glancing Blows scale very poorly behind the new x8 crits that we can dish out. They don't even get the +50% boost against helpless monsters. The sneak attack mechanic is unreliable in most content because it requires the monster NOT be aggroed towards you or to be helpless. It's absolutely worthless when you're the tank. +[W] damage does NOT solve any of these problems!
Spellcasters are leading this game. Anyone with eyes can see that. My barb can't keep up with a geared PM instakilling 6 monsters at a time. Every time I'm close to landing the finishing blow, the caster wipes the monster with a FoD. It's one of the reasons I specced my barb for dealing damage to raid bosses. Because raids are just about the only place where I feel my barb is contributing something. In most quests he feels completely useless and the blue-bar classes can just solo the whole thing.
Barbarians really do need more damage to keep up with new monsters. They need it to keep up with spellcasters. Nerfing them isn't the solution, buffing them is!