It used to be, PAST TENSE, noted in the known issues. And I complained to Cordovan when it got removed off the known issues list months ago because it has NOT been resolved. If anything it has gotten worse.

I've been complaining about this, and bug reporting it since October 28th, 2006. Three days after Mod 3 went live.

The UI breaks combat, not mouselook combat, that seems to be mostly fixed, but if your mouse is over any of the UI, you can not keyboard attack unless you were already attacking when the mouse went over the UI. Hot keyed buttons still work, but any standard melee/ranged attack that is done with your attack key is IGNORED.

This also includes invisible (aka where a loot table or your map may have been) as well as transparent objects (chat windows).

I have freaking lost track of how many times I get screwed by this a week.

It is now 2012, Turbine. OVER SIX FREAKING YEARS you've let this bug exist. Now, I suspect it is an engine issue. (same reason we can't get large mouse cursors yet.) YOU'VE BEEN WORKING ON THE ENGINE!!!!!!!


Incidentally, the transparent and invisible stuff in the UI also screws up soft targeting. It wont' target those things behind them even though players can plainly see them.