stating that there is only 1 roll against the final hit percentage and that the 10.5 is a static (not rolled) number.
from same thread
The Player’s roll the same way with two exceptions, we add a “proficiency bonus”, and we round to the d20:
(Player Attack Bonus + Ave d20 roll 10. 5 / Target’s AC) /2 = X% +25%. Extra Bonus only applies IF you’re using a proficient weapon. We then round to the nearest 5% in order to simulate the d20 roll you see on the UI.
Seems pretty cut n dried if you see HIT on a 15 in your UI you might be able to turn power attack on and still see a HIT on the same die roll.
If it DIDNT work this way with minor changes to d100 rolled you would see 15 HIT, 15 MISS, 15 MISS, 15 HIT with the exact SAME attack bonus...
how confusing would THAT be..!?!?!
EDIT: SERIOUSLY i wish they never had the stupid NDA so ppl could have followed along from the beginning and we didnt have to repeat the same stuff over again.
Its bad enough the amount of times we are going to have to go thru this when it hits live to explain to non forumgoers.