Taken off YanPLs old thread and recent observations
Bulwark of Defense
+2 to all saving throws and +4 to AC while in defensive stance
Combat Archery
-Point Blank Shoot
+1[base damage] and +2 dodge when using ranged weapons.
Epic Mental Toughness
-Improved Mental Toughness
+200 sp.
Epic Spell Focus: <spell school>
-Greater Spell Focus: <spell school>
-lvl 11 cleric/druid/wizard, or lvl 12 sorcerer/favored soul, or lvl 15 artificer, or lvl 16 bard
+1 to DC.
Epic Toughness
+50 hp.
Epic Skills
+1 to all skills, can be taken multiple times
Epic Spell Penetration
-spell penetration
-greater spell penetration
+4 to spell penetration
Great [Charisma | Constitution | Dexterity | Intelligence | Strength | Wisdom]
+1 to stat, can be taken multiple times
Improved Sneak Attack
-12+ Rogue
+3d6 sneak damage
Improved Martial Arts
-12+ monk
+1(base damage) with unarmed
+0.5(base damage) with other ki weapons
Can be picked multiple times
Vorpal Strikes
-12+ monk
-WIS 23+
-improved critical bludgeoning weapons
Your unarmed strikes are now considered vorpal and slashing. (blablablapowerful may resist blabla take 100 damage)
Inspire Excellence
-inspire heroics (lvl 15 bard song)
-20 trained ranks of perform
Inspire Excellence is a song granting +4 competence bonus to chosen stat to you and your allies.
Overwhelming Critical: [Bludgeoning | Piercing | Slashing]
-Power Attack
-Great Cleave
-Weapon Focus: [Bludgeoning | Piercing | Slashing]
-Improved Critical: [Bludgeoning | Piercing | Slashing]
-STR: 23+
+1 to crit multiplier on natural 19s and 20s with chosen set of weapons.