The logical buff that follows from this is that it's safe for the designers to design monsters with beatable saving throws, knowing that it won't make them immediate instakill fodder.
I'm not entirely happy with the solution as it is presented (maybe instakill spells could have a lesser effect of some sort on healthy "hard to kill" mobs?) but the problem is real: if a failed save = death then anything that forces a saving throw for a lesser result gets sidelined and saving throws have to be extremely high.
The people I feel really bad for are the assassins, as the whole idea of assassinate is to use it as an opening move from stealth. I think assassinate should be's already got unique limitations of its own.
That's kick in the a** for Wiz and headshot for Divines which are the most nerfed classes here. At least Wizzies got some epic viable CC spells and some nuking. Divines don't have AoE Dot spells, no enhancement for untyped/forced spells , no autocrit CC , lack of radiance/impulse gear in game, no additional feats , and their overall DC is always lower than Wizards. Implosion has already long 60 sec cooldown and it takes down 4 mob max how is that OP? BtwI feel sry for assasins too...
Welcome back to the pinky winky nannybot world !!!
R.I.P. Divine casters
Tring toon 5 times to be a healbot? No thx i will pass....
Looks like we are going tr into Sorc... or better - let's try Guild Wars 2 and leave that s***t.
Last edited by Udalric; 06-07-2012 at 10:16 AM.
Pfft, it's twelve people working together to get the quest/raid completed as effectively as possible.
So do you insist in your raids/epics that every single person be focused on the same mob at the same time?
Tell me, what do you do in the end fight of chrono when the devils come out? Do you ignore them and all 12 people focus on the boss, or do you assign separate duties so that everybody is used to their most effectiveness and nobody is overwhelmed?
Tell me, what do you do in VoD when the bats are coming? Do you have your casters cast mas damage spells and couldkill, or do you insist they keep dotting the boss?
Tell me, what do you do in ToD when sulomades comes out? Do you simply ignore him and let him him tear up your healers, or do you assign a party to take him on while others focus on Horoth. Do you have your arcanes kite/kill orthons, or again, just let them tear up your healers?
Tell me, in Lord of blades, what do you do at the start when the LoB pops. To you just all start attacking, or do you give your tank time to build up hate while the rest of your team kills the trash? When the dogs come, do you just let them attack you and dispell the grease, or do you have somebody else who doesn't contribute much boss DPS distract/kill them? At the end, with the pillars, do you just ignore all the trash, allowing your team to become cursed, stoned, negative leveled and killed, or do you try and allow your UMD characters to use prismatic ray on the pillar bottoms, while your archers attack the tops, and your casters kill and kite the trash?
You seem to be an expert in teamwork. I'd really love to learn how your strategy of "everybody must focus on the exact same thing all the time" applies to these end game raids, surely you must be a master of planning and strategy.
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
OP will be moved into the central thread, stand by.
Do not cross The Mighty Cube!
Originally Posted by MysticTheurge